A Moment of Peace

A Love Poem to an Autumn Day

Beth Bruno
Wise Woman Within


October Goldenrod — By Beth Bruno © 2019

Oh, most glorious of days,
sky a robin’s egg,
clouds packed up,
moved off east
seeking sandy beaches and
curling waters,

Leaving us to the glory
that is October-
autumn’s darling,
post-card days of
whispery breezes and
golden light.

A languid buzzard rides
thermal winds-
black wings,
azure firmament-
no hurry,
no worry.

Lying in my chair
dozing in a patch of
light and shadow,
warmth and coolness,
I, too, soar

to a place where no one suffers
where there are no more wars
where peace prevails.

I awaken to discover
it’s true,
right here,
right now,
in my chair
on this most glorious of days.



Beth Bruno
Wise Woman Within

Human learning to be human. Writing in hopes of getting there.