If You’re Feeling Stuck, Rearrange the Furniture

Refresh the flow of energy in your life and your home

Beth Bruno
Wise Woman Within


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. — William Morris

We live in a complex world and it’s important that we have a refuge. For most of us, that refuge is our home. If you are like me, though, there are times that even our home can become a source of frustration and agitation.

We all have periods where we get stuck in our lives. Sometimes it’s in our relationships with others or ourselves. Our energy flow seems to be depleted and we are not as effective and creative as we once were. It could just be a general feeling of unease with our lives, and we can’t seem to find a way back to balance.

I have discovered that sometimes all it takes to break free from the stuck-ness is to move the furniture around. I started doing this when I was a teenager. My mom allowed me free reign in my space, and when I was done with my room, sometimes I would get to work on other parts of the house. It always made me feel better.

When I was raising my kids, I moved the furniture around pretty often. My son, when he was big enough to help me with the bigger pieces, learned to recognize “the look” I got when I was mulling over a big shake-up. He…



Beth Bruno
Wise Woman Within

Human learning to be human. Writing in hopes of getting there.