October Glory

A Poem of praise for autumn

Beth Bruno
Wise Woman Within


Photo by Beth Bruno

is the queen of months
arriving for her coronation dressed in
scarlet and gold, holding in her hand
a scepter of light,
her firmament the blue of royalty.

She spreads her skirts
and her generosity spills around her feet,
filling larders, and holes in trees.
A feast as a hedge
against the meanness of winter.

The day-god is bright and warm,
glinting off her crown of golden leaves,
enticing her creatures to bask — the wren
on the deck rail, wings fully open to catch
the last of the warmth before winter’s chill.

The full hunter’s moon shines down on the hunter,
his large eyes seeing,
his wings soundlessly beating
as he swoops down for the little
furred creature in the leaves.
His soft hoots celebrate success.

The planet’s people are groaning,
the weight of so many trials and tribulations
bearing down on our…



Beth Bruno
Wise Woman Within

Human learning to be human. Writing in hopes of getting there.