Open hardware and software to help solving COVID-19

Aurélie Szykulla
Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2020

The current challenging sanitary situation has raised many concerns for which collaborative initiatives are born. Indeed, talented innovators started to create open source projects to help solving the crisis.

Here are some of the great public projects we heard of, for which hardware makers and developers can provide their expertise :

Open Hardware

  • OpenLung — Open source ventilator

The Open Lung Low Resource Ventilator is a low resource, quick-deployment ventilator that utilises a bag valve mask (BVM) as a core component. This ventilator is composed of micro-electronics that senses and controls air pressure and flow. The goal is to enable semi-autonomous operation.

  • DIY — Low-Cost Open Source Ventilator

The low-cost Open-Source Ventilator project documents instructions on how to build a low-cost respirator : convert a low-cost CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) blower into a rudimentary non-invasive pressure support ventilator. This solution may help with breathing during respiratory distress and become a great alternative if hospitals’ supplies of standard respirators become exhausted.

  • Chai Open qPCR — Real time PCR Machine

Chai’s Open qPCR device aims to rapidly test swabs from surfaces (e.g., door handles and elevator buttons) to check if the coronavirus is present.

Open Software

  • World Health Organization App

The World Health Organization is putting together a mobile application to help people around the world cope with COVID-19. The app goal is to provide local information for people and have their data feedback to public health officials.

  • Using AI to improve COVID-19 screening

A group of Researchers from the University of Waterloo launched a project that aims to use AI to improve COVID-19 screening - in partnership with an artificial intelligence (AI) startup. The team publicly released an AI software that better detects infections from chest x-rays. They are looking for experts’ help to develop it.

IBM Call for Code Global Challenge

IBM has launched a Challenge which ask for developers to use open source technology to build solutions that can provide immediate crisis communication, enhanced remote education, and stronger community cooperation.

This list presents only a small part of the open-source initiatives. Have a look at the following articles to learn more about other awesome projects :

  • On Github, you will find a list of numerous open-source projects dedicated to COVID-19:
  • Open-source is one solution.. but there are more ways to work collectively to help solving the Pandemic :
  • Are you looking for more open hardware projects ? Have a look at the following article :

