Our new feature to empower hardware engineers’ creativity

The Wisebatt Team
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2019

Since the creation of Wisebatt in 2016, our goal was always to stimulate hardware makers’s creativity. Six months after launching our beta version, we realized that we could go even further than that. We want to resolve the blank page syndrome. Hardware makers often face it while designing their device. This is mainly due to the complexity of electronics, and the different ways to start a hardware project.

To overcome that, we launched the Project Creator feature. It empowers hardware makers to boost their creativity. Because we believe that anyone with an engineering vision should be able to create a connected object easily.

View of Wisebatt simulation Tool — The new feature to boost Engineers’ creativity
First step — choose among 3 ways of creating a new project

A feature that stimulates engineers’ creativity

Engineers can draft the architecture of their device either with pre-established templates or development kits provided by silicon vendors.

To guide the hardware-makers in their device’s draft, we provide them with ready-to-use templates. No need to face the blank page syndrome. Different use cases are available, whether they want to create a device for smart appliances, for home security or for tracking.

With Wisebatt’s simulation tool, create a new project from the use case and the device specifications
Second step — select your project use case and specifications

Otherwise, engineers can use pre-settled development kits. They can customize those kits just like a Lego game to play with, and test multiple possibilities.

This new feature will allow hardware makers to design devices faster. We are convinced that it will also stimulate engineers’ creativity. Therefore, we want to support our users and offer them the possibility to improve their architecture gradually.
As for the experts who prefer the freedom of the blank page, they still have the possibility to start from scratch.

We strongly believe that hardware makers are brilliant. However, they don’t necessarily have the right tools in their hands to create their devices quickly enough. With Wisebatt, engineers will be able to unleash their creativity. All that with the accuracy that comes with scientific results.

About Wisebatt

Wisebatt is a simulation tool for electronics engineers developing IoT devices. They can build virtual prototypes and collaborate to make the optimal choice between cost, battery life and performance, very early in the design cycle. The platform accelerates the design of electronic and IoT devices by automating hardware and software design.

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