29 Life Lessons on my 29th Birthday

Garrett Petticrew
Wise Healthy Wealthy
16 min readApr 9, 2019


Today is my 29th birthday.

Year 29 is one of those years people freak out about because it signals the last year of being a young adult.

By this point in life, we should have everything figured out. Have a great job, get married, start a family, own a house. Most people freak out when faced with the fact that in a year, they won’t be able to make the same excuses they’ve been making in their 20’s.

Not me. I’m excited for my 29th year.

My 28th year was an intense year of Hope and Recovery. Year 27 was the best year of my life until it became the worst year of my life. These last two years have taught me more about being an adult turn the other seven years of my 20s. Even so throughout this past decade, I’ve learned quite a bit, and I think that some of you might enjoy reading about it. So without further ado here are 29 things I’ve learned in my 20s.

1. Limit the number of people that can ruin your life with one decision

How many people can ruin your life on whim? I recently learned how important it is to reduce the number of people that have that level of power over me. This could be a boss, or a family member, or even a significant other that just doesn’t have your best interests in mind, and on a whim could…



Garrett Petticrew
Wise Healthy Wealthy

I write for myself and everyone like me. The screw-ups tired of screwing up. Emails that help you thrive → http://bit.ly/wise-owl-newsletter