5 Things Healthy Couples Do To Stay In Love

Daily Publish Project #12

Garrett Petticrew
Wise Healthy Wealthy


“Love is a verb.” — Steven Pressfield

Relationships are not my strong suit. I mean, every single one I’ve been in has failed until I met my fiancé.

But hey, that’s how it is for most of us. Fail until you succeed.

Since I have found some measure of success, and have spent an embarrassing amount of time reading and studying this subject, perhaps what I write here can help improve your odds of success.

1. Learn to Actively Listen to Your Partner.

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This feels like obvious advice, and on the surface, it is. Everyone thinks they are good listeners, but that is a statistic impossibility. In fact, most people are worse than average listeners.

Honestly, that is okay. If you are an average listener most of the time, just make sure you step it up when you are talking with your partner.

Most of this post involves some form of empathy. Listening is no different. You can’t just focus on the words your loved one is saying, you have to try and…



Garrett Petticrew
Wise Healthy Wealthy

I write for myself and everyone like me. The screw-ups tired of screwing up. Emails that help you thrive → http://bit.ly/wise-owl-newsletter