The Top 5 Books To Read To Increase Your Wisdom Score

From The Wise Healthy Wealthy Reading List

Garrett Petticrew
Wise Healthy Wealthy
4 min readSep 24, 2018


Wisdom is a tough one. In my mind wisdom is the cumulation of everything you know plus everything you’ve experienced, filtered through your brain.

Wisdom = Experience * Knowledge * Intellect

Who knows if this formula is any kind of true? But it feels right.

What I do know, is that the more I read and apply what I have read, the better my life gets. I’d like to think my wisdom score goes up the more I read.

So that is what this post is about — The five books I’ve read that have the wisest information packed within them! This an opinion of course, so please read them and draw your conclusions.

If you’re looking for different book lists, you can find all of the Wise Healthy Wealthy Reading Lists here.

12 Rules For Life by Jordan Peterson

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Jordan Peterson lives a chaotic life. He’s battled depression and auto-immune disease his entire life.

He still became a clinical psychologist and adored professor, all before skyrocketing to fame in his fifties. While depressed.

He’s one of the most polarizing people alive right now, but his knowledge about human psychology is well-respected the world over.

This book was published this year and has already sold over one-million copies.

These days it takes a lot for a book to truly impress me. Both Jordan Peterson and the next author on our list did so this year.

2018 was a brilliant year for great books.

Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio

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Principles is the most organized book I’ve ever read.

How does one man achieve so much, that Presidents, Billionaires, and some of the most impressive people on the planet seek out advice from him?

Living life, learning from mistakes, and applying the wisdom gained in the form of Principles.

Principles allow for repeat success, and Ray has found that repeat success for decades in the global financial markets.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck by Mark Manson

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Principles are great for staying organized and following your path through life.

Twelve Rules are great for battling chaos and reestablishing order.

But eventually, you’ll run out of f*cks to give. It is a subtle art, after all, according to Mark Manson.

I love him as a writer. He doesn’t regurgitate the same self-improvement advice that is prevalent everywhere.

As a self-improvement writer myself, believe me when I say that he is special. This book has done well as a result of his fantastic writing ability, and I couldn’t recommend it enough.

The Obstacle Is The Way by Ryan Holiday

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I’ve suggested this book before, and I will recommend it many more times.

There will come a time in your life where 12 rules, principles, and not giving a f*ck don’t quite do the trick.

At some point, so much shit will hit the fan that you have to bring out the big guns.

You’ll still need to pull stoicism out of your toolbox.

That’s where Ryan Holiday comes to save us all. This book blends the ancients and the modernists into a consumable, wisdom enhancing book.

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

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“May you live in interesting times.” — Chinese Curse

Well friends; we live in interesting times.

So interesting that I am recommending you read, study, and permanently learn how humans use power to manipulate their surroundings.

At least read it to guard yourself against the machinations of others.

It’s a best-selling book for a reason. It gives people the information they need to live a more free life.

Do yourself a favor. Read it.

Each of these books s worth multiple reads.

“If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” — Oscar Wilde

If you only read five books for the rest of your life, make it these five.




Garrett Petticrew
Wise Healthy Wealthy

I write for myself and everyone like me. The screw-ups tired of screwing up. Emails that help you thrive →