Google I/O 2017- AI First (Part-2)

Sandip Ravaliya
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2017
Google I/O 2017

This blog is about the announcements made at Google I/O 2017. The part-1 of this blog is available here- Google I/O 2017 Part-1.

Google Photos

1. Suggested Sharing

Google is now taking care of users’ photos more than users. With this new feature, Google Photos will now provide personal suggestions to users to share photos based on people in the photos and personal sharing habits of user. Users would also be able to see their Google Photos sharing activities.

Google Photos will even send SMS/email to anyone who doesn’t have the Google Photos App, making everyone to view and save photos even if they don’t have Google Photos account.

2. Shared Library

Users can share their whole/selective library with important persons like close friends or family members based on personal preferences like date, people, etc.

3. Photo Books

The users will have option to choose for Soft Cover or Hard Cover (Paid Services in US for now). After selecting one of which, the user can upload his favorite photos or lot of photos and Google Photos with help of Machine Learning will sort out best photos for user and prompt as suggestion.

Moreover, future release of Google Lens on Google Photos to help user take actions on photos was also announced. Users can take photos and look later for more about things in that photo. Information about buildings, landmarks, things or relevant people, calling on number directly from photos and such more capabilities are expected to be delivered soon.

Virtual Reality

Google is now working with Qualcomm to create blueprints for standalone VR headset. They also mentioned about Google working with VR leaders like HTC and Lenovo to create these standalone VR devices which are expected to be deployed in late 2017.

Augmented Reality

Use of Tango and Google Maps together was announced to utilize Augmented Reality in its most powerful state (i.e. when AR is tightly coupled with real world) to create Google Virtual Positioning Service (VPS). VPS is sort of like GPS but instead of communicating with satellites for position, the phone will look for distinct visual features in environment and it triangulates with those. This technology can be of great help to visually impaired people. With VPS, if you want to buy something specific from supermarket then through GPS you can go to the supermarket location and with VPS you actually locate the item inside the supermarket.

Android O Developer Preview 2

Get a look at the next release of Android O focused on fluid experiences that make Android even more useful, and our efforts to optimize battery life, startup time, graphic rendering time, and stability. Early adopters can opt in to the Android O Beta Program at and run Android O now.


Google is now officially supporting the Kotlin programming language, in addition to the Java language and C++ on Android Studio. Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine and also can be compiled to JavaScript source code. Kotlin is a brilliantly designed, mature, production-ready language that we believe will make Android development faster and more fun.

Android Go

Google is optimizing OS on entry-level devices with RAM less than 1GB. Google is also redesigning the Google apps like YouTube, Chrome, etc. to use less memory, storage, less start-up time and less mobile data.

Apart from these focus points, Google announced tons of new features and changes on different technical projects and they all mainly aim towards one single point organizing the world’s Information for everyone with deep computer science.

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Sandip Ravaliya

HTML/CSS expert, Music learner, JavaScript enthusiast, Food lover, ReactJS developer