Minimalism is at the core of WisePass

Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2021

The Singaporean lifestyle app founded in 2014 has set clear values for its consumers to understand its mission in the world

WisePass is focused on how to help our subscribers to be more fulfilled in their lives

WisePass technology is designed to benefit humankind

The vision statement of WisePass is to enable every human being reach the highest level of fulfillment through technology

At WisePass, we follow the principle of minimalism and believe that in order to have a satisfying life, it requires from each of us to set a purpose and gear towards it.

Too many times, we have distractions around us leaving eventually little time to what truly makes us happy and that is something we can’t afford to waste.

As human beings, our time is limited on Earth (until we find a way to become immortal), we believe it is important to have some clarity, focus and intentionality.

Enabling them to reach a high level of fulfillment is driving WisePass

Too many times, you’ll get invites, new shiny products or tempting events to join driving you away from your actual purpose. Removing most of these distractions and focus on your priorities is key.

By having this mindset, your schedule is set and other things shall fit your agenda and not the other way around. It’s a great tool for you to say no.

Your most important resources are time and money. We believe that allocating your time and money in the purpose you set is what’s going to help you have a satisfying life. That’s what we always have in mind when we’re building up WisePass.

Time and Money are the most precious resources for you to allocate

How do consumers save money with WisePass?

It’s simple. We work with brands and they sponsor products, services or events for you to enjoy them.

By becoming a member, you can access these products, services or events for free in some locations the brands will select.

How do consumers save time with WisePass?

We use technology to show you where you can enjoy spending your time, depending the time of the day, where you are or simply what you want to do.

We filter venues and give you a list of recommendations to let you make a decision faster.

Our business model is built to satisfy our customers only

We use technology to build a product that can help you spend time and money on what’s truly valuable to you. That is our sole purpose.

In order to do so, our business model is simple. We let consumers subscribe from our business and we generate revenue from them only. If we suck, we won’t simply exist anymore.

It means that our thought process starts from you and we think about how to make the experience better every single day. We think about how to enrich your life everyday with new experiences that will be bringing you joy.

To know more about WisePass, you can visit our website.

