Four inspiring WooCommerce popup campaigns to supercharge your store

Greg d'Aboville
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2017

WooCommerce currently powers 28% of all e-commerce websites (according to WooCommerce), making it one of the leading e-commerce software providers.

If you are a WooCommerce store owner, popups should be part of your marketing strategy. Here’s why:

To help your kick start popup strategy we gathered 4 campaigns from top WooCommerce stores and dissected what made them so good.

The simple email popup

email popup example


Targeting: displayed to new visitors on landing, this simple email popup allows the website to catch new visitors before they get a chance to leave. It also helps convert new visitors into shoppers.
Copy: the headline is very catchy and highlights a clear benefit for new subscribers.
Design: both the overlay and the popup match the website color and graphic identity: the popup doesn’t breach user navigation. The call-to-action is very visible.

The exit popup

exit popup example woocommerce


Trigger: displayed on exit, this popup catches the visitors before they navigate away (statistically, exit popups outperform landing popups so, in terms of conversion rate, it’s a good idea)
Copy: the headline is simple and straightforward.
Design: again this exit popup matches the website’s identity perfectly. Dimming the background allows the user to focus on the popup.

The sweepstakes popup

sweepstakes popup example woocommerce


Trigger: displayed to all visitors on landing, the popup reaches the largest possible audience.
Copy: the headline is clear and appealing. The note below the call-to-action contributes to reassure the user.
Design: the big photo helps the users picture the prize. The overall design is simple and focuses the attention on the headline.

The lead magnet

Lead magnet example woocommerce


Trigger: the popup appears when the user clicks a call-to-action to download a freebie.
Copy: The headline clearly reminds the user of the freebie. The call-to-action also insists on the download rather than the sign-up. The privacy notice helps to sweep the last objections aside.
Design: The design is very simple and matches the website’s visual identity.

WisePops x WooCommerce

WisePops is the most advanced WooCommerce popup plugin. We work with leading e-commerce websites such as Asics, Ocado, Exito, Fender, Skechers and hundreds of WooCommerce stores.

With WisePops you can:

  • Design beautiful popups which match your website design in just a few clicks
  • Build advanced display scenarios based on 30+ targeting options
  • Precisely analyze the impact of your popups on your sales and subscriber list

Start your free trial today

