We build a social staffing platform — WiseTrack.io

We want to build a world-changing company that can eliminate biases in the hiring process and empowers people with a learning mindset to get the best job for themselves.

Adam Nam Dinh
2 min readSep 2, 2019


At the most basic level, WiseTrack reduces unconscious biases of the recruiting process. One definition of fair judgment: candidates are treated as how well they solve a problem, not where they come from or any other external factors whatsoever.

It is important to have an alternative. WiseTrack enables a bias-free, skill-focused recruiting method that helps recruiters and new hires perform better.

We don’t make the argument about the role of the resume, we only want to show the real-time and cold-hard performance report as the proof of capabilities. The dangerous about current interview settings is that it could attack introverted people. They might not be able to show the real skills that they own while uncomfortably talking about personal life.

We believe in first impression and gut feeling, but perhaps we are doing it all wrong. If you look at how we get new hires, either formal application or referrals, it starts with who the candidate is rather than what they could do.

For hires, we could somehow bring you back to a thousand years ago when knights fight (the real fight) for the job. We provide high-quality problem sets for you to train yourself and compete with peers. We look at this process as the training ground where your technical muscles are built.

WiseTrack is a social staffing platform that connects talented people with good companies.

Here are WiseTrack.io basics

Post a challenge

Companies will be able to post the recruiting challenge to the platform. They can also pre-screen the applicants by setting filter e.g. only people who know Japanese basics, and 2 years of Swift.

View top performers

Institutions pay us to view profiles that solve their problems. Because posting the challenge is free. Duh.

View top companies

Coders will see companies that are hiring like crazy on our platform. Coder gains notice because the company can see who views their profile. Company gains notice too.

View top challenge

Challenges that have the highest rewards. Simple.

Compete for a prize

A company can put the prize as money, or perks as they will. To attract people to take the challenge.

Dare others

Coders and post the confirmation that the did a challenge to any channel on the internet, of their friends create an account follow the link, that coders get rewards.

Earning badges

The more challenge you take, the more your name shines.

WiseTrack Team: Adam, Khang, Duc Tran, Duc Huynh

Our official links on the internet, Facebook, LinkedIn

Your ideas are always welcome, send us an email: adam@wisetrack.io



Adam Nam Dinh

Analyst @DeloitteSAP • Co-Founder, Product @HelloDaihoc