Inventory tracking made easy with Bluetooth barcode scanners

Wish A POS
Published in
4 min readOct 23, 2019
barcode scanners

There were days when the top colleges and universities around the world found it hard to keep track of their inventory. They needed to track their inventories manually. Owing to manual inventory tracking, they also went through many issues. These issues lead to the loss of inventory, missing or stealing.

Virginia State University, according to a 2013 report, for instance, claimed that around $8 million worth of their inventory was lost, went missing, or was stolen. If we see on a smaller scale, the Miller Learning Centre at the University of Georgia has reported missing inventory of about $15,250. This means one cannot rely on traditional inventory management. Therefore, universities and colleges are in need to use the latest inventory tracking technology.

Barcode scanners are the newest technology that gives an advantage to educational administrations. Scanners help these organizations in monitoring their inventories from the start to the end.

Here, in this post, we will discuss the issues with manual inventory tracking and find answers to effective inventory management. Let’s discuss:

Key issues with manual inventory tracking

Manual inventory tracking systems usually involve people who check inventory round the clock in person and then enter the data (or information) on a paper system or a spreadsheet. This pen and paper system is prone to error and is time-consuming.

Here are the common issues with manual inventory tracking system:

Error-prone — Manual inventory tracking systems not only have a couple of errors, but the system is also prone to a lot of mistakes. Within the system, you cannot accuse lazy or inadequate employees. Errors are simply caused due to human nature and the realities of the nuances of data entry.

Barcodes often contain 10 or more characters. If there is a traditional benchmark of 1% human data entry error rate per 100 strokes, you are looking at 1 out of 10 barcodes. Therefore, if an inventory is entered incorrectly, it will become almost impossible to catch the mistake.

Time-consuming — Besides being error-prone, manual systems are time-consuming too. This system initially takes hours to record items and enter the data. Else, it takes more hours if you need to find the data in a spreadsheet. Also, turning the data into a functional audit report takes a longer time.

For instance, if you want to locate the actual asset, finding the same can take hours, depending on the accuracy of your spreadsheet. Therefore, there will be many more hours that could be spent on more productive work.

Out-of-date information — If your inventory tracking system becomes difficult to use and is out-of-date, all your hard work goes in vain. The moment the inventory is moved from one place to another, it will not reflect in the system until a human notices it and records the same.

If you are maintaining different spreadsheets and methods in different places, it is tough to combine information from multiple locations. Also, it becomes impossible for multiple users to access the system and see current information at multiple locations.

All these errors make audits a time-taking and challenging process if you need to check all inventory each time you want.

Now that you know the common issues with manual inventory tracking system, let’s discuss keys to effective inventory management:

Use the best tracking technology — Barcode technology was first developed in the mid-20th century. This technology was introduced to increase the efficiency of identifying assets or inventory and reduce the possible human errors.

The technology and its applications have gotten more sophisticated with time. You can use this technology to your advantage.

Bluetooth barcode scanners, for instance, is the best technology that helps you automate your inventory tracking system.

Automated entry ensures less human error — With the use of barcode technology, you can automate data entry in the system. This automation helps you reduce the risk of human error and makes sure you will have the correct information linked with the inventory. Additionally, it reduces the time spent on tracking inventory and entering data.

Ensure information is updated in real-time — The inventory tracking system is not effective if it cannot tell you where your inventory is. Within the system, a centralized database is updated in real-time that allows you to draft reports at the time of auditing. Also, the system ensures that you can always find inventory when you need to.

The endnote

Now that you know about all the benefits of using barcode technology, use the best of barcode scanners for an inventory tracking system in your educational facilities. A dedicated inventory management system helps you cut down the hours employees are spending on tracking inventories.

ZEBRA Symbol CS3000 is a timeless classic scanner for all your inventories.

