Install and upgrade to *YOU 2.0*

Abhishek Verma
Wishful Manifestations
7 min readMar 16, 2020
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Life has taught me many lesson, I have seen the highest highs and the lowest lows. Today, I’m not just a happy person for what I do, but also for what I don’t do. So far, so good, all I have learnt in the past years is how to say “NO” to things that drain me and say “YES” to things that matter to me and the people I care for.

Here is my checklist of 20 things you can start bidding “goodbye” to and allow positive changes in your life. Feel free to know about them, implement them & taking the control of your life back into your hands.

And, as I always say, the right time is NOW!

1. Procrastination Kills

Stop thinking, and start doing. Learn to say no to procrastination by asking yourself “WHY”. Start by defining the purpose and necessity in the things you plan to do & start enjoying the actions. If you are not enjoying, learn to leave it or make it enjoyable.

2. Negative self criticism is the worst you can do to yourself

Be positive. Don’t live in self blame or focusing on things you aren’t good at instead start focusing on self improvement. Learn to say no to negative self-criticism. Don’t feel “Sorry” for what you lack, instead start saying “Thank you for… ” to things or qualities or people you have in your life. Gratitude for what you have is a great mood changer and helps building your self- confidence. Pay attention to your feelings towards people, situations, or things, be kind to yourself, and don’t judge your thoughts. If you are criticizing yourself, be constructive with that, have a specific plan of improvement instead of judging your short comings.

3. Perfection will land you nowhere

Do not seek perfection. Nothing is perfect in the world so whatever you do or have is good enough for that time. Persistence is the key and not perfection. There is a time for everything, learn to make deadlines and stick with it. Set a timer for each task, whether professional or personal and stop whatever you were working on and focus on the next task as soon as your timer goes off.

4. Excuses only stop you

Adapt the golden rule of 5 WHYs. Ask yourself a why 5 times to get to the core of any action or excuse. Instead of thinking about why you cannot, start thinking about what can you start doing. Accept your situation and learn to take ownership of your decisions. It is okay to fail, your failures are lesson learnt, stop having grudge towards them instead avoid such actions in future, but, whatever you do, do not STOP, always MOVE forward, however painful or resistant the environment is. Accept your challenges and think of overcoming them instead of using them as a roadblock to your growth.

5. Comparing yourself to others is not helping you

Learn to focus on yourself and your actions instead of your competitors or people around you. Start by becoming self-aware. Learn to compare the old you to new you instead of your neighbours, cousins, friends, colleagues, etc. Stop feeling bad or crazy about others’ achievements and start feeling proud of your personal wins. Comparing your life with others only set your progress meter on the reverse, because eventually; you have to start living your life, so the sooner, the better.

6. Partying every night is not cool

It is okay to enjoy a break or party once in a while but do not forget about your aims and goals and your physical and mental need for rest. Start by changing your environment, stop hanging out with people who have no responsibilities or neglect their goals. Instead grow a hobby and have a clear sense of purpose in your life. If you cannot find any, at least start by taking a break from parties for a fortnight, extend it to a month and so on.

7. Avoiding stimulants before sleep

Do not interfere with your good night’s sleep with your habits. Stop using electronic devices at least one hour before bedtime, instead put them on silence or do not disturb mode at least an hour before you sleep. Though going off to bed sloshed aides fast sleep but the quality of the sleep will be poor, so do not go to bed inebriated. Also, avoid coffee (any caffeine) at least 7 hours before your bedtime.

8. Eat food by quality and not quantity

Balance your meal with the right nutrients, no matter what your diet preference is. Avoid snacks and pre-cooked over the counter meals as they are high on preservatives. Try cooking your own meals even if it is as simple as a cucumber sandwich. Listen to your body, feed it when hungry and not by the clock. Avoid, instant noodles, pastas or ready to use sauces and ingredients.

9. Stop reading things you do not enjoy

Do not read a book to impress people or to finish what you have started. If you are not enjoying the content or the style, simply stop wasting your time reading the book. If you do not see any value in the content or the first 10 pages, simply leave it. If you are reading a fiction, and the plot doesn’t hold your interest in the first 15 minutes, chances are it never will, hence, drop it.

10. Getting useless things done will never make you productive

Learn to prioritize your tasks, and start with the ones that matter. Also, I use this simple technique, whenever starting your day, do not start with simple tasks and leave the complex ones for the last, as you will end up having lesser energy for complex work. Start your day with the most complex tasks that need the maximum attention and keep the simplest ones for the last, as you do not have to put much brain work into the same.

11. Responding to calls and messages instantly

Your mobile phone is your biggest distraction and FOMO is for real. Train yourself to divert attention away from your phone and focus on the task you have in hand. Set specific time during the day to reply to your messages and emails. Refrain from keeping your email tab open in your computer. Turn off non-important notifications on your devices.

12. Do not micro manage, learn to trust and delegate

Do not waste your time and energy on tasks which can be and needs to be delegated. Do things that you are best at and delegate the others.

13. Do not stretch your meetings

Stick to the agenda of the meeting and stick to a time. Respect yours and other’s time, do not waste time on small talks and only invite people who are needed. Long or stretched meetings is not a sign of productivity, it only shows lack of planning.

14. Learn to recognize the Givers and Takers

Learn to give more and appreciate other givers in your life. Learn to recognize and avoid Takers, common trait they have a habit of asking or even demanding things. Learn to confront them in a nice way and stop entertaining them till they change. Respect and spend more time with other givers like yourself.

15. Gossiping about others

Gossiping is toxic and the only rumour that does not spread is silence. Start spending more time with positive and productive people. Divert the discussion to something that is positive or uplifting than giving in to gossiping about others.

16. Negative people or naysayers

Start respecting yourself. Relationships are mutual. If someone doesn’t have time for you, don’t find time for them. Try three times, if all you receive is a “no” on the same from the same person, just stop. Do not waste your time or judge the person. Instead, surround yourself with people who encourage and communicate with you. Safeguard your goals from negative fault finders and judgmental people.

17. Personal work on personal time

Be attentive and honest to your work and workplace. Be grateful towards the job you have and perform what you’re paid to do. Be proactive and try to outperform yourself. Similarly, learn to give attention to your family when you are at home. Respect the sanctity of both your workplace & home, do not mix both. Avoid any work related tabs on your computer and try and turn off any work notifications after your work hours. Learn to plan and balance both.

18. De-clutter and clear your space

Learn to adapt to cleanliness and organized living both physically, mentally and virtually by maintaining a clean workspace, home and even your mailbox. Develop a habit of clearing away things that do not serve you by donating or disposing off. Develop a habit to tidy up your space as the first or the last thing of the day.

19. Toxic people need to go

Always make yourself available for people who uplift and energize you. Start by spending more time with people who share your values. Join groups of like minded individuals. Be honest about your core values and do not compromise on them to win over others. The people you surround yourself with have a big impact on you and your thoughts. Hence, choose wisely.

20. Social media is a sap

Uninstall your Facebook, Instagram or twitter app from your phone and save your energy and time. Uninstall all social media apps from your phone, instead, if utmost necessary, check the web version when you feel the absolute need. The world need not be updated about your life. No one cares to know where you are travelling or what you are eating. Neither do you have to proclaim how much your parents mean to you or children love you or your spouse cherishes you, if you feel for them, communicate with them in person.

Do not succumb to pressure of wrong expectations or habits; learn the art of saying “NO” to meaningless actions and words. Believe in yourself and you are never too young or too late to start. The right time is always NOW!

