Except OURS will be put to work. We’re not pussyfooting about!

Here a cat, There a cat, Everywhere a cat cat

Lisa Gus
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2017


Or at least a feline-adjacent AI / chatbot / mascot creature for use on the WishKnish platform as both a useful service and a Knish token sink. A Kreature, if you will. Clear as mud, right? Well, let me just perform the introductions.

Function: to be the Clippy for the new generation of users — without being murderously annoying. Preferably just helpful enough that any latent frustration sort of bleeds into the awws of delight, and a steady stream of Kreature-incentivized merchandise, purchases, and peer-to-peer renting.

Description: an animated profile adornment a user can (optionally, of course) display on their personal page, receive bonus points from (for every X number of transactions, for example), use specific emoji flavors that it provides (yes, there will be an emoji token discussion!), customize to their heart’s content, and… most importantly, park inside their storefront (as a dedicated, out-of-the-box customer assistant chatbot). Alternatively, it can be put to work running constant checks on airline ticket prices, maintaining their host’s presence on social media, unsubscribing her from all and sundry spam lists, or any other task the WishKnish team or community developers within its ecosystem can conceive of for their respective digital beasts.

Uses: Umm… see above? Well, that, and a couple of other uses: For WishKnish, it is a way to make gamification more fun, relatable — a way to engage enterprises in sponsoring events and giveaways and users who have gotten comfortable with the flourishing pet ownership features of modern MMORPGs, Tamagachi pets, and even the augmented reality of Pokemon Go. And, of course, a way to give users an unprecedented opportunity to visualize their activity, to get useful suggestions and bonuses and maybe even a few laughs, courtesy of their furry (or not-so-furry) but always perfectly deactivatable companion. They can even set it to work earning their boss a passive income.

How: Well, glad you asked… okay, glad I asked. While each individual Kreature is basically a virtual, tokenized asset that will be purchasable from the WishKnish Store (whether or not they are put together by our team or third-party developers using their own code and only our creature-builder tools for a site-wide aesthetic), they are not tradable. But they are fully transferable in a smart-contract-enforced rental agreement, for any period of time.

With the Kreature (who will level up in looks and bonuses it will be able to bestow on its holder) now in possession of its new landlord, what it can do and where it can be displayed will equally be transferred to the new account, for a monthly / daily fee to its real owner, and a transactional fee to WishKnish. All Kreature-related fees, by the way, both to WishKnish and peer-to-peer will be entirely in Knish.

The leveling up of the Kreature in terms of looks, flair items, available emoji reactions, bonus points, and the actual AI bot components will happen in exchange for Knish as well, and depend on the overall level of the user’s participation as well as whatever features they are looking for in their “Kreature Kabinet” (that can be as involved as guiding a publishing house through computing the P&L of a book in its acquisitions pipeline based on its genre, heat level, and readability — or as simple as sending their owner an SMS to notify them when an item similar to one in their wishlist goes on sale).

When: Our roadmap outlines basic chatbot feature development to be completed by 2019, but we expect to see much more robust Kreatures hatching in 2019 and beyond. The underlying gamification elements that Kreatures will leverage are, of course, already appearing on the WishKnish platform throughout this Fall.

Best for Last: 5% of all Kreature-originated profits received by WishKnish Corp. will automatically be directed to an animal charity of the user’s choice. If no animal charity is specified, the percentage will still go toward an animal charity as picked by our team. No self-respecting Kreature would stand for less. And nor would our team!



Lisa Gus

Mother, wife, daughter, cat slave. CEO @WishKnish. Managing Partner @CuriosityQuills. alisa@wishknish.com