One Bum—Two Weddings

Lisa Gus
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2017
That feeling when you KNOW you missed something… and you’re right!

I am, of course referring to the “part of the body you sit on” bum, not the “someone you might not want at one, let alone two, weddings” bum.

It is a common Russian saying, and rarely did I feel it more appropriate than now, when I am hustling to make WishKnish known far and wide, or at least… well, not totally unknown.

What does that entail?

These days: Facebook (multiple groups, at that), Twitter, Medium, LinkedIn, Telegram, Skype, WhatsApp, WeChat, Reddit, Very nearly Slack, but the horror stories of scams and low security have kept us from yet another place where we need to be seen, heard, and likely smelled for good measure.

Added to it the necessity of being seen on CoinTelegraph, CoinTalk, CoinIdol, ICO Mag, Inc. magazine, Wire, TechCrunch, and well… a whole lot of other sites and groups that can make or break a reputation, and the token sale game becomes a patchwork of multiple venues, each of which is a drag to maintain visibility on, let alone any sort of meaningful presence.

Yet, if you do not… well, how are prospective buyers going to know about you? Better yet, where would you be getting your storefronts?

And if you are a business such as WishKnish — one that counts on both B2B and B2C components — well, then you get to add Huffington Post, Vanity Fair, CNBC, and a plethora of other consumer-centric press to make sure that your project is seen by the eyes of those for whom “altcoin market” sounds like so much Greek to a non-Greek speaker.

Oh… and don’t forget the sheer mountains of emails! And even with a healthy IFTTT recipe collection in place, you still need to be there for that personal touch — not to mention to answer questions and field phone meetings that can be coming at you from just about any timezone. Because crypto is global and global is a pain in said proverbial bum.

So, what do you do then?

Well, if you are us… you still hustle, and you take care of the whole shebang (as best you can, it must be said, knowing you ought to do more, yet falling prey to the miserable fact that so far no one’s managed to add more hours to the 24-hour cycle) — while also putting together a flexible framework for future ICOs that you hope will be able to shave a few hours, days, weeks, months off their preparation regiment using your efforts as a stepping stone.

To wit, what kind of token sale prep do I see potentially unified into a turnkey solution on WishKnish? How about reviews, peer voting, blogging, industry insider commentary, incentivized referral, verifiable project timelines, team builder features, encrypted chat across multiple communities and social networks unified into a single stream, and, of course, APIs to the supernodes of major blockchains to ensure token sales are trackable from a single-stop shop.

Because if you are like us… you want to be building, not hustling. Or umm… still hustling, because that’s what you do, but being able to stop and smell the roses every once in a while. Or that omelet that’s calling your name. The one with peppers, and onions, and mushrooms, and asiago cheese…



Lisa Gus

Mother, wife, daughter, cat slave. CEO @WishKnish. Managing Partner @CuriosityQuills.