From ScaleAbout to Wisio

Share your wisdom and experience through personal video messages

Linda Ivri
2 min readOct 29, 2019


It’s official. ScaleAbout is now Wisio!

When we entered the first phase of our journey as ScaleAbout about 1 year ago, we dreamed of being a unique place where creators and their audiences could support and connect with each other in a meaningful, yet quick & easy way.

From the beginning, being in constant contact with our users has been vital to us. Thanks to so many of you and your fans, we succeeded in becoming what our platform is today.

Your exclusive opportunity to give your most valued fans individual attention.

Your worthwhile opportunity to earn a living, sharing your wisdom with those who value it most.

Today, we begin the next phase of our journey, and with it, re-brand ourselves to better represent what we do and who you’ve helped us become.

Wisio is a reflection of our vision, a tool enabling you to share your wisdom through personal video interactions, and to be there for your audience while earning a meaningful living as a creator.

We’re so grateful to have you on this journey with us.

Got questions? Check out our FAQs below, or drop us a line.


The Wisio Team

The Wisio Team


  1. How do you pronounce Wisio? Like Wiz (as in wisdom)-e-o.
  2. When will the name be finalized? Our official name change is taking place on October 29th, followed by a gradual transition throughout the end of 2019.
  3. What’s my new profile link? Your new profile link is {[yourusername]}. Start using it in all social media content and correspondence from now on.
  4. What will happen to my old links? All ScaleAbout links from emails and YouTube, etc. will automatically redirect to the same page on
  5. How can I introduce my followers to Wisio? We’ll give you all the tools you need over the next few weeks, as well as the branding materials you can use to effectively invite your audience to your new Wisio page. Want a personalized Wisio banner for YouTube or an Instagram graphic? Ask and you shall receive.
  6. What if it has been a while, and I want a demo of the new and improved site? We’d love that! Tell us what times work for you, and we’ll set up a quick call.
  7. How can I ensure I receive all your mailings? Add,,, and to your address book.
  8. Any other questions, or have feedback? Shoot us an email — we’d love to hear from you.



Linda Ivri
Editor for

Head of Talent @wisio. Vagabond at heart. Lover of saag paneer and pappa al pomodoro. Buffy and Blaire Waldorf’s Scorpio lovechild.