Perfect Chemistry — How Perfume Boosts Your Sexappeal

“Last night you were in my room, now my bed sheets smell like you…” — as much as we can’t get that Ed Sheeran song out of our heads, we can’t get rid of memories attached to certain smells. Fragrances can take us away to another place and state of mind.

Anna Nolda Nagele
Wisp Blog
5 min readJul 15, 2017


Scent is able to influence your mood, capable of evoking memories and even changing your attitude in only one breath. This is due to the power of the olfactory cortex, the part of our brain that registers scents and connects them with memory. When we smell a familiar scent, such as the smell of rain on warm asphalt or the perfume of our crush, it triggers memories and creates a shift in our limbic system, which impacts our mood and emotions.

Wearing perfume is part of our culture, just as wearing clothes. Perfumes are like invisible spirits that we encounter throughout the day. The fragrance of your choice supports you like a special energy that follows you around and that you can feel beside you. It underlines your own character and reminds you of who you are, helps you to stay by yourself, be relaxed and in a positive mood which in turn makes your feel more confident about yourself and your appearance. Your very personal scent gives you a strong identity and leaves your signature in people’s minds. Wearing perfume can add the little extra to your personality and appearance that makes you stand out from a group. Research even proves that a woman’s appearance is valued as more attractive if a pleasant smell is present — might this not be related to your extra confident presence?

Carrying an aura of scent around you has positive effects for yourself and gets you noticed by the people around you, but you might have experienced, that perfume is fleeting away over the course of the day, and by the evening there is no hint of your scent of choice left. Make the most out of the positive powers of fragrance and become your most sexy self, simply by adapting your perfume-wearing habits a little bit.

Know your type

Before getting started with your perfume routine you need to pick the right scents that fit your personality — go for something that resonates with you and underlines the characteristics or the mood you want to highlight. Once you made a choice, take a closer look at the bottle. There are different types of perfumes and each one lasts for a different length of time, depending upon the concentration of oils. The more intense your perfume, the higher the price. But it’s worth investing a little bit more in a good perfume, as you will need less amounts for much longer lasting support. Eau de colognes have the lightest concentration of oils and therefore only last for about an hour. Eau de toilette is still a light perfume but with a higher concentration of oils and therefore can last for a couple of hours. L’eau de parfum quite strong and can stay for four to five hours. The most endurable form of fragrance are bottles labeled as perfume, which can stay with you for the whole day, reminding you to stay by yourself and highlights your attractiveness even when life gets tough.

Stay smooth

Keep your skin moisturised. This is key to making your fragrance endure, and it will make you feel more comfortable in your own skin. Taking care of yourself, such as moisturising, or in general spending some time of the day focusing solely on your body, will give you an extra self confidence boost as it will highlight and remind you of how beautiful you are. Skin that is well moisturised slows down the evaporation process and lets the scent develop its undertones. Take a warm bath or shower with an oil based bath supplement and afterwards use a scentless oil or moisturiser on your body before applying your perfume.

Before lingerie comes perfume

After bath and moisturiser, spray a little cloud of perfume into the air in front of you and walk through it. Naked. See this ritual as putting on your most sexy gown that you always keep on, even when undressed. Your body through its natural heat evaporates the perfume, giving off the scent for several hours and dissolves it with your body smell, making the scent become a natural part of your appearance. While applying perfume on your clothes can add additional hints and intensities of the scent, doing that alone doesn’t give off the aroma the way it should and leaves the perfume slightly detached from your appearance.

Highlight your attractive body parts

  • Hair: Fragrances stick very well onto the fibres of your hair, and the more surface area you spray with your perfume, the more scent is released. Every time you flip your hair or play with your strands you spread a wave of scent and attract a little attention.
  • Pulse Points: The natural warmth of these areas heat up the scent, allowing you to smell it better and in it’s full body and nuances. Spray your scent behind the ear lobes or on your neck. This will definitely attract some attention for someone to come closer and send shivers down your spine, if you’re into that. Dab the fragrance on the wrists — if you’re an expressive talker, this way you can get your perfume noticed in action. And putting perfume behind your knees or between your thighs are perfect tricks for when you are wearing a skirt or shorts as perfume will warm up and the scent will rise upwards, keeping you as a whole veiled in a nice smell.
  • Down your back: The dips in the bone structure will have perfume more likely to settle there. Have a spritz down your back between clothing and skin and your movements will naturally dissolve the perfume throughout the day, while it will not become too overwhelming for yourself those around you as it is not right in front of you. This way the perfume appears to belong even more to you and makes you more intriguing and mysterious.
  • And always remember Coco Chanel, the creator of the iconic Chanel №5, saying “A woman should wear perfume wherever she wants to be kissed”, and you can’t go wrong attracting attention to your most loved bodyparts and get the caress you want.

Use perfume to your advantage, as your secret superpower to carry yourself with more confidence, strengthen your character and highlight how sexy you are. Your personal scent will trench the minds of the people around you and beautiful memories and feelings will come back whenever you are around. And just as Ed Sheeran is in love with the shape of you we know he is even in love with your unique smell and the characteristics attached to it, that make you truly you.

