Cryptopia listing and full MN details — Community Update #4

Wispr Blockchain Technology
4 min readMar 26, 2018

First of all we are very proud Wispr is now listed on Cryptopia. WSP will be tradeable on the BTC, LTC and DOGE markets. The DOGE market is currently unavailable.

WSP listed on Cryptopia

In addition we are featured as coin of the month, gaining more exposure to people unfamiliar with our project.

WSP featured

Full details about the upcoming masternodes

As we have told you in our latest blog post we are going to change the economics and block rewards of WSP to allow for the introduction of Masternodes on our network.

We are currently testing Masternodes on our testnet, which is taking longer than expected. As the introduction of Masternodes will require a soft fork of the WSP network we prefer to only launch this update when we are 110% sure that it will not lead to people being on different chains and the chaos that follows. Hence we regret to inform you that we will not reach a Q1 launch, we hope you understand our aim to have quality over speed. A definitive soft fork date will be communicated as soon as possible on all the regular channels.

As you might know we are changing the block rewards with the soft fork to change the economics of the WSP block rewards.

Total amount: 120.000.000 WSP
Block rewards: 10 WSP + tx fees
Mining algorithm: Scrypt for PoW phase (not public)
Block time: 1 Min
Confirmations: 10
Maturity: 100
Stake confirmations: 100
Staking block rewards: 60%
Masternode block rewards: 40%
Masternode collateral: 125.000 WSP

A fixed amount (40%) of the block reward (10 WSP) is paid to WSP Masternodes. Masternodes are put in a queue and take turns to receive this block reward as a payout.
The amount of payouts depend on how many active Masternodes there are. The more Masternodes there are, the less each often each Masternode gets a payout.

The other part of the block reward (60%) will be awarded to other wallets staking like it is now. But because Masternodes are not awarded normal staking block rewards, they will not count as network weight for the POS 3.0 algorithm. Hence the more Masternodes are online competing for the 4 WSP awarded to them, the less normal WSP wallets are competing for the 6 WSP that remains. We have calculated the ROI to be the same for stakers as for those running a Masternode when there are around 80 Masternodes online (see calculation details below). This would be a near perfect number to guarantee a fast, reliable and decentralized network to build our messenger application on.

ROI stakers/masternodes
Calculation details

Interested in the details? Find the full calculations here and here.

We hope this gives you a more clear picture of the Masternode and staking rewards.

Whitepaper and the translation bounties

The whitepaper is currently being written, as soon as it has been released we will have it translated to several different languages. Furthermore we are preparing to launch our ambassador program. More details will follow. We are now going all in on expanding our community. Our community is growing each and every day and will only continue to do so.

CoinMarketCap listing

When we first got listed on CryptoBridge we filed a listing request on CMC. No response. It took 3 months but we finally got our response: we have to grow before we get listed. This is something we understand. We hope our followers will help us grow.

Meanwhile, if you are interested in checking out Wispr’s statistics you should go to WorldCoinIndex or Bitgur. To check the coin supply you should check out our explorer. If you have any other interesting websites that you would like to see Wispr being displayed on, please send us a message.

Thank you for taking the time to read this update. Please follow us on Telegram, Twitter, Facebook and Discord and be sure to spread our story to everyone you know!


The Wispr team

