Masternode Setup — Full Tutorial — WisprTech

Wispr Blockchain Technology
4 min readOct 18, 2018



This tutorial will guide you through the process of setting up a masternode on the Wispr network. The masternode will run headless on a Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 64-bit server (VPS) and can be controlled via your computer.

In order to run a masternode, one must fulfill the following requirements:

  • 125,000 WSP
  • A computer to control the wallet that will be installed on a VPS
  • A VPS, which acts as a masternode server
  • A unique IP for your VPS wallet

1. Setting up the control wallet

Note: the zWSP minter should be disabled during this setup! Before you unlock your wallet, you should disable auto-minting in the control wallet option menu. If you don’t do this, your masternode collateral will be autominted.
(You can also disable auto-minting by adding enablezeromint=0 into your wispr.conf file located in the wispr data directory)

  1. Open your control wallet by going to Tools, Debug console and type the following command:
    masternode genkey
    This will be the masternode’s private key. Make sure you save this!
  2. Once again using your control wallet, save the address that will be generated by using the following command:
    getaccountaddress <Choose any name for your masternode>
  3. Again in the control wallet, send 125,000 WSP to the address that was generated in the previous step.
    Note: make 100% sure that you entered the correct address! One can verify this by pasting the address into the ‘’Pay to’’ field, the label will autofill the name you chose. Also make sure that you send exactly 125,000 WSP!
  4. Again, in the control wallet, enter the following command:
    masternode outputs
    This command obtains proof of the 125,000 WSP transaction.
  5. On your computer (which uses the control wallet), go into the data directory.
    On Windows: Press the Windows key + R and type: %AppData%/Wispr
    On Linux: ~/.wispr/
    Find the masternode.conf file and add the following line to this file:
    <Name of Masternode(Use the name you entered earlier for simplicity)> <Server's IP address>:17000 <The result of Step 1> <Result of Step 4> <The number after the long line in Step 4>
    Below is an example:
    892WPpkqbr7sr6Si4fdsfssjjapuFzAXwETCrpPJubnrmU6aKzh c8f4965ea57a68d0e6dd384324dfd28cfbe0c801015b973e7331db8ce018716999 1
    Replace the "<>" symbols with your own values.

2. Setting up the VPS wallet

Install the latest WSP wallet onto your masternode. Check out the latest releases here:

  1. Go to your home directory: cd ~
  2. From your home directory, download the latest release by using the following command (for Ubuntu):
    If you are not using Ubuntu, please select the correct wallet here:
  3. Unzip and extract using this command:
    tar -xf wispr-0.3.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  4. Go to your Wispr bin directory with this command:
    cd ~/wispr-0.3.0/bin
  5. If this is the first time that you run the wallet on your VPS, you have to try to start the wallet.
    ./wisprd -daemon will put the config files in your ~/.wispr data directory
  6. Type ./wispr-cli stop to exit the wallet to stop the wallet and proceed to the next chapter.
  7. On your VPS, go to the Wispr data directory here:
    cd ~/.wispr
  8. Open the wispr.conf by using this command:
    nano wispr.conf
    Make sure the config looks exactly like the one below (except for the custom values):
    rpcuser=<long random username>
    rpcpassword=<longer random password>
    externalip=<masternode's ip address>
    masternodeprivkey=<use the one that was generated in step 1>

    Make sure to replace rpcuser and rpcpassword with your own! Also, remove the ‘’<>’’ symbols.
  9. To exit the editor press CTRL + O then press enter and then CTRL + X.

3. Starting your masternode

  1. Start the things below in the following order:
    1.1 Start the daemon client in the VPS. Go back to your wallet directory: cd ~/wispr-0.3.0/bin
    1.2 Start the wallet with this command:
    1.3 From the control wallet debug console:
    startmasternode alias false <mymnalias>
    Replace the <masternodealias> with the name of your masternode alias, without the brackets!
    The following should appear:
    “overall” : “Successfully started 1 masternodes, failed to start 0, total 1”,
    “detail” : [
    “alias” : “<mymnalias>”,
    “result” : “successful”,
    “error” : “”

    1.4 In the VPS wallet, start your masternode:
    ./wispr-cli startmasternode local false
    A message should appear saying: “masternode successfully started’’.
  2. Use the following command to check the status of your masternode:
    ./wispr-cli masternode status
    It will return a message similar to this:
    “txhash” : “ 977163ac3f3da1052c5fe631d9b24ba2c19d666fa2b354e0ed0787123ce9af3d”,
    “outputidx” : 0,
    “netaddr” : “”,
    “addr” : “WfundQCUtX9zbGbScT5GKyjMPDfv6uQ9ZE”,
    “status” : 4,
    “message” : “Masternode successfully started”

This message means that your masternode has been successfully created. You may now remove ‘’enablezeromint=0'’ from your wispr.conf file of your control wallet.

Masternode shutdown

In order to stop running your masternode on your VPS and deleting your masternode from your Wispr core wallet, you have to do the following:

  1. Use ./wispr-cli stop in your VPS wallet to stop the wallet.
  2. On your control wallet, edit your masternode.conf file and remove the MN1 masternode line entry.
  3. Restart your control wallet.
  4. Your 125.000 WSP will now be unlocked.


If you have any problems with setting up your masternode feel free to join our Discord or Telegram server and ask for help. Our developers will help you fix the issue.

