WSP Masternodes, a new exchange and our new partnership! — Community Update #3

Wispr Blockchain Technology
3 min readMar 7, 2018

Dear Wispr community,

It’s been a while since we last updated you on the progress we have made, so here is a recap of what we have been up to plus some new info! From now on we will be posting new community updates every two weeks to keep you guys informed on how we are progressing.

Masternodes are almost here

We are finally implementing masternodes and in order to do so, we will have to perform a softfork (date to be announced). After multiple meetings we have decided to alter Wispr’s coin economics, which will come into effect after the softfork. Below you will find the full details

Total amount: 120.000.000 WSP
Block rewards: 10 WSP + tx fees
Mining algorithm: Scrypt for PoW phase (not public)
Block time: 1 Min
Confirmations: 10
Maturity: 100
Stake confirmations: 100
Staking block rewards: 60%
Masternode block rewards: 40%
Masternode collateral: 125.000 WSP

More details about the masternodes, including an overview of all the mathematics and its release will be given in the next community update, which will be posted in two weeks.

WSP will be listed on a new exchange

Last week we received a confirmation that we will be added to a big altcoin exchange in the coming 3 weeks. Needless to say we can’t say which one it is, but we are sure you will be happy with the listing! Can you guess which one it is? Follow us on Twitter and join our Telegram to find out!

We partnered with the biggest Raspberry Pi supplier in The Netherlands

As you might know we are launching our Raspberry Pi shop in second quarter of 2018. Last week we finished negotiations with the biggest supplier of Raspberry Pi’s in The Netherlands, which will take care of the logistics for us (worldwide shipping at competitive prices). You will be able to order everything you need to run your Wispr wallet on an RPi via our website. No experience with RPi’s? Not a problem, we will provide a “plug and play’’ solution to allow everyone to enjoy the benefits of running a wallet on an RPi. By the way, they will come in our own custom made 3D printed case.

Prototype of the custom Wispr RPi case

A completely new wallet for Wispr

Work continues on our new Electron wallet, scheduled to launch in Q2 2018. Our designers mainly focus on providing the best user experience! Besides the improved UX, the wallet will come with a ton of other useful features. We will regularly post work-in-progress screenshots on our Twitter.

Alpha build of the new electron Wispr wallet.

The Wispr Whitepaper

As we are approaching the end of Q1 of 2018, we will also be releasing the first version of our whitepaper. After the release of our whitepaper we will be looking for translators who are willing to translate the whitepaper into other languages in exchange for a bounty reward.

Website translation

We are currently preparing our website for translations into multiple languages to also open up Wispr to non English speaking crypto enthusiasts. Reservations can be made in our bounty thread or by contacting one of our community mods in our Telegram or Discord channel

Free Wispr for everyone

If you didn’t know already, we have launched the Wispr faucet which allows you to claim free WSP every couple of hours. Claim your free WSP now on

Thank you for taking the time to read this update. Please follow us on Telegram, Twitter, Facebook and Discord and be sure to spread our story to everyone you know!


The Wispr team

