Introducing Composer Alpha

Julien Odent
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2022

Today we’re launching the alpha release of Composer, bringing end-to-end conversational support to Composer enables you to author rich conversation maps by managing the dialogue state and your application responses in a visual way. This is the largest product update to date, and we’re eager to see you give it a try!

Building natural language experiences is hard, but we can do better. We believe that Composer is a significant step forward in our mission to enable Natural Language for Everyone. We believe that if you can speak a language, you should be able to create a natural language experience.

Composer offers a visual way to understand, draft, iterate on, run, test and author conversations.

Since Bot Engine, we’ve scaled our platform and bolstered our API offering. We’ve learnt a lot along the way, and are ready to tackle the hard problem of dialogue again. While machine learning is going to be a necessary path to scale dialogue in a simple way, today’s bottleneck isn’t really scale. We first need an approachable tool to author and deploy simple conversations.

Composer focuses on the essence of conversation design. Using a few functional components and an explicit information flow, you can create conversation maps with control and confidence. It’s simple, transparent and reliable.

In Composer, you manage the conversation state using your own key-value store: the context map. To upgrade to Composer, POST /speech (resp. GET /message) developers should integrate with POST /converse (resp. POST /event). Read more in the documentation.

We’re only 1% there, and are looking forward to hearing your crucial feedback. Thank you for being part of this journey.

The team

