To Find Peace, Find Your Place

Michael Howarth
Wisdom for Life
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2013

Think of the most peaceful place you can imagine.

What do you see in front of you? How does the air feel? What sounds do you here?

Are you standing or sitting?

Take a moment and think about that place of peace.

Chances are, what you just imagined was not the center of a busy city.

You probably did not just envision your daily commute, though you may enjoy your time alone in the car.

You probably did not imagine screaming children and loads of laundry.

What you may have imagined, if I’m guessing correctly, is some place in nature, a quiet lake or field filled with empty space.

That is, if something can be filled by being empty.
(Perhaps this is the essence of sabbath, the center and purpose of rest, to be filled by being empty. But I've digressed.)

You may have seen trees or a simple garden in front of you. Maybe a mountain or perhaps a peaceful afternoon in your backyard with a book.

When we think of peace, we often turn toward nature, looking at it with an almost curious awe, inspired by its stillness, overwhelmed at its power, or just longing to learn from its simplicity.

Every creature is busy at its work.

Every season drops by like an old friend, stays for a while, and will see you again next year.

When peace evades us, it is because we have lost our place in all of this.

If each creature and each season is made for something — and we can see very clearly that they are—then it should be clear …

You have a place in all of this too.

You have a purpose for being.

In that peaceful place you imagined a few moments ago, if I’m guessing correctly, everything was in its place.

And I don't mean neatness; I mean purposefulness.

The lake in front of you was alive.Thoughtless about their existence, the grass and trees played their parts, which was to stay put, the grass soft under foot, the tree towering above.

These things bring us peace because none of them have forgotten their place and each is a proclamation of purpose.

Famous mountains that have never sang a note or tweeted a word.

Silent forests that have grown for hundreds of years, each tree content to provide quiet shelter free of charge.

Rivers in a rush, not pausing to pose for photos, too busy, no time now, relentlessly crashing forward as if commanded to flow until further notice.

Stars—enormous, raging balls of explosive gas which hang by the uncounted millions millions of miles above our heads at every moment—waiting year after year, night after night, for that one special moment for a child to look up and see the light from these massive incendiary bodies now diminished into humble twinklings by years and years of travel faintly residing in a boundless black sheet of sky.

Nature is faithful. It doesn't know how not to be.

How about you?

Do you know your place in all of this?

Because when you find it, you’ll find peace, no matter the season, no matter the storm.

My child, do not forget my teaching,but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you.

-Proverbs 3:1-2




Michael Howarth
Wisdom for Life

Bearded, bike-riding, word-herding, chess-losing, New England-grown writer and undefeated Medium meddler. All puns intended.