Karagan Griffith
Published in
6 min readMar 21, 2018
This 16th-century fresco by an unknown artist depicts a scene from Metamorphoses, better known as the Golden Ass.

“An ounce of experience is worth a pound of theory” — Dion Fortune, Psychic Self-Defense.

The Metamorphoses or the Golden Ass (Asinus aureus) by Apuleius, tells us a fascinating story of Lucius during his journey to Thessaly, the birthplace of magic. According to Prof. Sonia Sabnis, a PhD. from the University of California, Barkley, Apuleus wrote this piece as a critique to Roman Empire’s society at the time which was very much like America today, “highly stratified and obsessed with appearances and absurd spectacles.” However, there is a more profound and exciting layer to this story. A story of a fool who happens to stumble upon magic. Curious and eager to learn it, he wants to try without the complete knowledge and is transformed, in the process, into an ass.

Bohn’s Libraries 1902 edition of The Works of Apuleius :
a portrait of Apuleius flanked by Pamphile chaning into an owl and the ‘Golden Ass’

Lucius learns several lessons; moral and magical. In the final book, Lucius is shown how to become a real Initiate; he goes through a series of purifications, abstinence and finaly an initiation which involves passing through all of the elements and a ceremony where Lucius is taken through the underworld. He then becomes a Priest of Isis and Osiris — a Pastophoroi. One of the most precious pearls of wisdom here is the need for devotion, vocation, focus and will to succeed in magic. It is through the sincere worship of the Goddess that he becomes empowered to succeed. Out of the worship comes the magic.

We all make journeys, pilgrimages of sorts that will make us conscious of who we are and what is our place in the higher plan of the cosmic dance of the Gods. The Metamorphoses of Apuleius is a metaphor for the journey of the initiate and his search for his true Self. I am still making the pilgrimage. I think it will never end as long as you are actively perusing Truth — yours and your own circle’s. This pilgrimage begins at the first initiation and hopefully never ends. A place of Truth is a place where the sacred lives and is acknowledged in the inner and in the outer. Without this, ritual can eventually turn out to be empty and meaningless gesture. Intention has to be clear and precise; otherwise, the will of the initiate can become just an empty wish that is never fulfilled. When this happens, and if there is consciousness, the initiate can pursue it and can transform the wish into a precise and robust magical act of will. This is essential and the basis for the formation of a strong Priesthood.

Isis welcomed and transported from the Nile, fresco from the Temple of Isis in Pompeii.

I was taught that when someone asks for training and initiation, it is necessary that they break the links with the previous teachers. There are various reasons as to why this should be done, beyond the logistic logic one. When a student asks, it is a clear manifestation of their true intentions, a materialization of their inner will, that has to manifest in the request. This not only makes them responsible for the request, but also for the pursuit of it. To guaranty that this will be done correctly and anew, the tights to previous practices have also to end. If this is their innermost desire, and if the will is clear, the student will not have a problem with this. I was taught that one can only belong to one Coven at a time. I was also taught that one can only have one teacher at a time — these are the golden rules that will guaranty success in the Pilgrimage.
This process can be as easy or as difficult depending on the Initiate’s circumstances. However, choices, in the initiates world, are made (hopefully) consciously. Depending on the time frame, the ego can get in the way of the will to pursue the task requested being that training or initiation. We all have a measure of true inner will, but this will only efficiently manifest in the outer if the Initiate surrenders to the uncontrolled destiny, seasoned by the perception of his or her instinct as a witch. A leap that has to be done, out of pure faith and devotion to the path of Initiation. True to self comes to mind.
Pilgrimages can be arduous at times, and no matter what path you choose, these are full of challenges to be overcome.

The pursuit of a new beginning in one’s training is always hard, but sometimes one has to acknowledge that the teacher has done his or her job and that it is time to move to a different phase in one’s growth and understanding. This new beginning is always painful for the teacher as it is for the student. Hopefully, higher consciousness of duty and service will teach both what is important to learn from the experience.
Some teachers will fulfill their work and have to allow the student to make the choice of learning more elsewhere. Some of these teachers do not want to let go of the relationship because they feel that probably they lose their purpose in the student life. One thing that the conscious teacher needs to learn is that it is not about them, but about the student and their path. Teaching should be selfless, and when teaching is done, the only thing that should remain is an enormous feeling of gratitude from the student for the lessons and the teacher for the learning. Both should recognize the teaching. This process will enhance the teacher’s experience, fulfill their capacity to teach and will expand the possibility of the student to understand the lessons. Unfortunately, this is rarely attained.

Casa di Ottavio fresco, Isis Priest, Pompeii

It is my opinion that when it comes to the Craft, and because it is “a Craft,” the learning and the teaching should be done through the experience of the Circle. It is essential that the initiate is exposed to the practice of the Circle to learn. Some of the circumstances that might present to the student can be telling, and he or she should follow them to fulfill truth and find knowledge that will make them better at what they do.
Not all the circumstances are the same. Some will not have their trajectory presented linearly. In the end, both teacher and student should be clear about their roles. They should perhaps realize that their relationship can change regularly and that their position might change as well. The student might become the teacher, and the teacher might become the student. What is essential is that the way and the path to where one should be are understood and consciously willed for, from the beginning. This will bring the initiate the focus and true consciousness in the work and the pursuit of truth. Some will eat the roses late, some will do it sooner, but the important message from Apuleius is that one should eat them when one is ready.



Karagan Griffith

Alexandrian Priest and Witch, blogger, publisher, film director and author. Host of “On the Blackchair” and “Hidden Light”