Community Resources for Intersectional Witches

A Living Document

Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2017


Finding community in the non-digital world is difficult enough without the added layers of trust needed to feel welcome when you’re a witch at several social intersections. The witch trend, which is now incredibly popular and visible, tends to feature one kind of witch: a cisgender white woman, temporarily able-bodied, thin, and traditionally beautiful by Western standards.

This leaves a shitload of us out of the picture, even if we meet one or two of those criteria. We’re tired of never seeing or hearing in popular media from fat witches, black witches, disabled witches, poor witches, neurodivergent witches, and trans witches. We’re tired of seeing white witches downplay and benefit from cultural appropriation, or the popularized witch lifestyle ignoring witches at different socioeconomic levels to capitalize on this form of spirituality.

This page is an effort, albeit a small one, that we are crafting to address this. The contents will shift and evolve as we research, and we invite you to participate by sharing any resources that you love and trust (or questions you may have about what’s shared here) via our email at witchesrisepub at gmail dot com. We will be adding blogs, supply shops, articles about strengthening our work as accomplices against oppression, and more. (At the moment, we are not including jewelry but that may change in the future.) Keep checking back for more!

Supplies, Services, and Blogs

While this category is incredibly broad, what we wanted to do here is highlight businesses by witches of color, Q/T/gender-independent witches, actively intersectional white witches, and wholesale companies working with integrity whose products we know from experience — or trust in our community — to be high quality. We’ve noted when an owner’s products, services, or blogs include:
*h: handmade items (crafted by the owner)
*r: resale items (such as books/decks by other authors, wholesale candles, etc)
*a: astrology
*c: classes (includes both in-person and digital courses)
*s: other services that may include divination, readings, personalized work, etc

Firme Arte (*h)
Hand-crafted spell candles, smudge supplies, bath supplies, ritual kits

Big Liz’s Conjure Corner (*h *r *c *s)
Hand-crafted oils, gris-gris, powders, florida water, and more + books, candles, decks, classes, blog

Mountain Rose Herbs
Bulk herbs, oils, and other botanicals grown or wildharvested, organic, fair trade

The Hoodwitch (*r *a *c)
Tarot decks, books (including rare ones), crystals, blog, some herbs and accessories

Old World Queen (*h)
Organic health and beauty products

Bone and Briar (*c *s)
Blog and courses in the Reclaiming tradition

Chani Nicholas (*a *c *s)
Astrology & horoscopes, blog, classes and other services

Little Red Tarot (*a *r *c *s)
Queer radical tarot services, tarot deck store, and multi-contributor blog

Wild Mystic Woman (*c *s)
Blog, priestess services, classes and other services

Brenda Macintyre: Medicine Song Woman (*h *c *s)
Healing song work, song oracle deck, classes, mentorship and other services

More Goodies

BWITCHES: a new intersectional feminist witch comedy

The Fat Feminist Witch Podcast

Gods & Radicals online magazine and printed work


Witch Vox/The Witches’ Voice: community-driven resource

Reclaiming Tradition of witchcraft seeks to unify spirit and politics




Queer witch writer & artist. Unapologetic wildling. Mental health maven. A little non-binary. Into the unconscious & the uncomfortable.