The Art of Spellcasting

Rick Silfies Potter
Contemporary Witchcraft
6 min readApr 20, 2020


©samiramay / Adobe Stock

Spellcasting is an art and a science, with many factors that must be considered.

The phase of the moon, magickal correspondences, planetary influences, raising energy, and even the time of day can all play a part in your spell. Although it may seem so, there is nothing supernatural about spellcasting. As witches, we work with the natural forces of the earth and the universe. Once the spell is cast successfully, it is a matter of time until circumstances line up, and our goal begins to manifest. We must first ask, what is a spell?

Spellcasting is but one form of magick. It is a method of communicating our desires to the universe so that the universe can respond and manifest our desires into physical reality.

There is an old magickal saying, “As above, so below,” meaning that in order for something to manifest visibly, it must first be present in the invisible. Your spell is what places it there. Another magickal concept is, “Like attracts like,” meaning the use of energies and objects that have a connection to your goal will help it to manifest faster.

For effective spellcasting, there are six keys.

The first one is an altered consciousness. If you want your spell to work, you must first learn how to alter your consciousness. This can be achieved through controlled-breathing exercises, meditation, visualization, chanting, or drumming. Incense smoke, candles, and relaxing music can also help. Once we alter our brain waves to the Alpha state, we have reached the magickal mindset, the state of ritual consciousness. In Alpha, we become more sensitive to the unseen realms, and we are more open to receiving psychic information. Healing abilities are enhanced, and we are better able to communicate with our deities and spirit guides. Alpha has been called by some the “daydream” state when we are relaxed yet still aware of our surroundings.

The next key for effective spellcasting is to have a clear intention, knowing exactly what you want. If you are indecisive or unsure about what you want, it is unlikely to manifest.

Your focus should be on what you want, not on what you need.

For example, if you have a bill that needs to be paid, focus on the bill getting paid and not on the money you need to pay it. You don’t want to limit how the universe manifests your goal. You might get a check in the mail from an unexpected source, or you might be contacted by the bill collector informing you there was a mistake, and you don’t owe anything after all. Remember to focus on the outcome and not on how it manifests.

The third key for effective spellcasting is to have a strong will. It must be something you truly, earnestly desire, and you are determined to see it happen. A determined mindset is key. The more emotionally involved you are, and the more of that energy you put into the spell, the more likely it will manifest.

The fourth key is to raise energy. You may choose to repeat a chant multiple times, first softly, then increasing in volume, then returning to a soft tone. Some choose to write an incantation on a piece of parchment paper and then burn the paper while reciting the incantation. Others may dance around in a circle, beat a drum, or sing. You may raise energy in any way you choose. Be creative. Use your intuition to determine when enough energy has been raised and when it is time to release it.

The fifth key to effective spellcasting is the expectation of results. Know that it is going to happen. If you begin to have doubts or start thinking to yourself, “It didn’t work,” then you have short-circuited your spell, and it certainly will not happen. I have, however, known some folks who were skeptical of the magickal process, and their spell manifested anyway.

It is important to try your best and maintain a positive expectation of results. Visualize it as already happened and place yourself in the picture.

The sixth and final key to effective spellcasting is to let it go. Don’t obsess over it, and do not talk about it. Keep it to yourself until it manifests. This is rather important. It is one thing to have a positive expectation, but if you are continually thinking about it, then you are calling that energy back to you instead of letting it do its work. Cast your spell, maintain a positive attitude, and let it go.

Now we will examine the days of the week and the magick associated with each one.

These are some of the traditional magickal associations, but if you feel something different will work for you, then, by all means, use it. A wonderful thing about magick is that it can be individualized. Symbols, colors, and scents can mean different things to different people. However, these correspondences have power because they have been used for centuries. It would not be wise to disregard them completely.


Name: Day of the Moon

Celestial Influence: The Moon

Colors: White, silver, purple

Crystals and Stones: Moonstone, clear quartz, smoky quartz, selenite, amethyst, pearl

Herbs and Plants: Moonflower, lavender, sage, jasmine, mugwort

Magickal Workings: Goddess worship, divination, spirit communication, meditation, introspection


Name: Day of Tyr (pronounced “teer”)

Tyr is a Norse god of law and war

Celestial Influence: Mars

Colors: Red, black

Crystals and Stones: Red jasper, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, carnelian

Herbs and Plants: Red clover, damiana, cinnamon, basil

Magickal Workings: Resolving conflict, assertiveness, courage, force, male sexuality


Name: Day of Woden

Woden, or Odin, is a Norse god, the mythological inventor of the runes

Celestial Influence: Mercury

Colors: Yellow, orange

Crystals and Stones: Citrine, tiger’s eye, calcite, yellow jasper, amber

Herbs and Plants: Mint, daffodil, calendula, pumpkin, saffron, marigold

Magickal Workings: Memory retention, safe travel, learning, ritual writing, communication


Name: Day of Thor

Thor is a Norse god of thunder

Celestial Influence: Jupiter

Colors: Green, brown

Crystals and Stones: Tree agate, aventurine, emerald, jade, malachite

Herbs and Plants: Oak moss, patchouli, eucalyptus, cinquefoil, bay leaves

Magickal Workings: Career, finances, advancement, growth


Name: Day of Freya (pronounced “Fray-uh”)

Freya is a Norse goddess of love and beauty

Celestial Influence: Venus

Colors: Red, pink, blue

Crystals and Stones: Rose quartz, lapis lazuli, blue lace agate, rhodochrosite

Herbs and Plants: Rose, lavender, lilac, yarrow, thyme

Magickal Workings: Romance, friendship, family, fertility, self-esteem, female sexuality


Name: Day of Saturn

Celestial Influence: Saturn

Color: Black

Crystals and Stones: Black obsidian, black tourmaline, black onyx, jet

Herbs and Plants: Henbane, hellebore, belladonna, blackthorn, mandrake, hemlock, foxglove, datura, snapdragon, mistletoe, wormwood

*Most of the herbs and plants associated with Saturday are poisonous and must be handled with extreme care.

Magickal Workings: Protection, banishing, binding, removing obstacles


Name: Day of the Sun

Celestial Influence: The Sun

Colors: Gold, yellow, orange

Crystals and Stones: Sunstone, citrine, yellow calcite

Herbs and Plants: Sunflower, heliotrope, fennel, goldenseal, dandelion, St. John’s wort

Magickal Workings: Success, achieving coals, god Worship, ambition, illumination, revelation

You now have learned some of the basics of spellcasting, but there is so much more. As you grow in your practice of witchcraft, you will discover what works best for you. Listen to your intuition and let your deities and guides assist you in casting your spells with power and stronger focus.


Rick Silfies Potter is an author, teacher, and founder of the Blackthorn Druid Order, a training program that blends Celtic Paganism, Druidry, and Witchcraft. He has been a witch for 30 years and has served as High Priest of several magickal groups. Rick has lectured at festivals, colleges, and schools on the mysteries of Witchcraft and Magick. For more information about Rick’s private classes, visit



Rick Silfies Potter
Contemporary Witchcraft

Rick is an author, teacher and founder of the Blackthorn Druid Order, a training program that blends Celtic Paganism, Druidry and Witchcraft.