What The Spring Equinox Means For Witches

Severina Sosa
Contemporary Witchcraft
3 min readMar 19, 2020


Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Unsplash

There are only two days all year when daytime and nighttime are exactly the same lengths. These days are the equinoxes — spring and autumn.

The Date and Meaning of the Equinoxes

The word equinox comes from the Latin word aequinoctium. Aequi means equal, and noct refers to night. This means that an equinox is a time of equal night and day. This happens when the tilt of the Earth’s axis and Earth’s orbit around the sun combine in such a way that the sun shines exactly above the equator.

March’s spring equinox is also the first day of spring astronomically speaking. (For meteorologists it’s on March 1.) This often happens on either March 20 or 21, but this year, it’s on the 19th. This is the first time in 124 years that the first day of spring has occurred on March 19th.

Side Note: The First Point of Aries, also known as the Cusp of Aries, is the location of the vernal equinox. This happens when the Sun leaves the 12th zodiac sign of Pisces for the 1st zodiac sign of Aries. For many, it’s the beginning of Aries season. #helloariesseason

What the Equinox Represents Magickally

After the spring equinox, the days get longer as the strength of the sun slowly grows. You can look to use this time to honor all new life and any new ideas. Thanks to the spring equinox, we’ll see earlier sunrises, later sunsets, and growing life.

Enjoy planting seeds of your favorite herbs, and don’t forget to include your intentions. Later this year, you’ll reap the benefits of this planting.

During the spring equinox, it’s time to rejoice. Though there are dark times, the sun — that represents life and vitality — is not defeated.

For witches, the spring equinox is also Ostara, the second of three spring festivals in the northern hemisphere. Many modern Pagans mark Ostara as a time of renewal, balance, and rebirth. Take some time to celebrate the new life that surrounds you in nature. Stand in nature, lay in the grass, or hike through a forest to feel the awakening energy of the earth.

Don’t worry about not being able to celebrate exactly on the date. Spend the rest of March welcoming spring with open arms.

Things You Could Do

To celebrate the changing seasons magickally, set up your spring altar, perform growth or balance rituals, pull Tarot cards, get crafty with flowers and herbs, strengthen your connection to the divine or goddess Eostre, or honor the traditions that are special to you.

Take a look at nature near you. Do you see new growth? What about chirping birds? For me, it’s also a time of seeing new fawns. During the springtime, whitetail doe tend to have their young.

Life changes and cycles are present all around you.

Spring Equinox Spell Ideas

  • Abundance
  • Balance
  • Change
  • Fertility
  • Growth
  • Lust
  • New beginnings
  • Prosperity
  • Purification

Take time out of your busy day-to-day schedule to explore your light and learn to celebrate your shadow during this time of balance. Allow yourself to space to grow and blossom.

And remember to always ground yourself and your emotions during times of uncertainty or adversity.



Severina Sosa
Contemporary Witchcraft

Herbalist🌿Green Witch✨Stargazer🔮Diviner🖋️Writer ♉Taurean with a ♐⬆️ and ♎🌕 Twitter @severinasosa