What Type of Witch are You?

Ambrosia Hawthorn
Contemporary Witchcraft
20 min readFeb 22, 2020


Photo by Christina Hernandez on Unsplash

Do you feel a connection with the cosmos, find yourself immersed in hedge witchcraft, or identify more closely with titles such as Wiccan? The decision to adopt a label or not is a deeply personal one, shaping your distinct spiritual journey.

In this article, I’ll introduce you to a variety (though not an exhaustive list) of different paths you can venture down. While this compilation doesn’t encompass every path, it’s an excellent starting point. I’ve also included Wicca due to its widespread popularity.

When reviewing this list, ask yourself if any of these paths resonate with you or if you find yourself drawn to more than one.

My own journey began with a quest for information on various types of witches, and this list emerged from that search. My goal is to provide you with a reference guide to help you explore and discover which path aligns most with your spiritual journey. Keep in mind that this list covers some of the most common paths, but the world of witchcraft is wonderfully diverse and rich with choices.

Elemental Witch

An elemental witch is a practitioner of witchcraft who focuses their magical work and spiritual connection on one or more of the classical elements: Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. Here’s an overview of elemental witchcraft:



Ambrosia Hawthorn
Contemporary Witchcraft

🌙 Ambrosia is a published author of The Spell Book for New Witches, the founder of Witchology Magazine, and witchcraft instructor at www.Ambrosiahawthorn.com