Don’t Underestimate Trumpism Again

Opponents can vote their conscience — if they jump through the right bureaucratic hoops. Make sure you know them.

Heather M. Edwards
With Liberty


All rights © Jon Tyson; edits mine

Plutarch said the tyrant never grows old but it seems neither does Trump’s perpetual impunity.

The self-proclaimed “business tycoon” had already been embroiled in more than 4,000 lawsuits¹ before he became the president of the United States — and a sneering grotesque golem of American hypocrisy, transmuted into a celebrity politician by petty hatreds and jingoism. Rabid Trumpism proves there is no crime too violent, no breach too immoral for his loyalists to say ‘enough.’

Liberal white voters underestimated Trump and his campaign before.

“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace instead becomes a circus.” — Turkish proverb.

We can’t underestimate Trumpism now.

To put it as crassly as much of Trump’s 2015 speeches were, liberal white America trusted a fart — an embarrassingly base, rank campaign we assumed would ultimately be harmless — and then forgotten. But, of course, it shat forth a sober Falstaff, a hate monger championed by millions as “chosen by God,”² a true…

