A Stressful Start to the Week

Rob Echlin
Family fun and software development
2 min readDec 5, 2018
Parking lot by work, with some trees

On Monday morning, I started the week by helping to recover from problems last Friday.

At lunch I started on this week’s work, including checking on followup tickets from last week’s problems.

I made sure to take a walk around the office a couple times in the afternoon. While walking, I noticed the expected tension in my body. I relaxed the muscles of my face and shoulders while breathing slowly.

Yes, you can do this while walking around the office. It’s vital to be able to remember your training when you need it. If you can practice relaxation skills in a group setting with an experienced instructor, that’s a great start. If you can’t, you can learn on your own at home.

Notice the muscles in your head, shoulders, buttocks, and hands.

Are they clenched or tight?

Breathe slowly and let them relax.

I also noticed my thoughts were racing. I took a few deep breaths, focusing on the room around me, noticing the thoughts and letting them be.

I noticed I was still not totally “present”: my mind was wandering. I carefully noticed the sounds in the room and the movement in the parking lot out the window.

Then I felt I was in the room, part of it, with the stream of thoughts slowed down, almost stopped, for a few minutes.

I was ready. I went back to my desk.



Rob Echlin
Family fun and software development

Black Lives Matter. Truth and Reconciliation. This is my place to be authentic. To write about my spiritual path, and my technical life.