Starting Daily Yoga and sleeping better, once

Rob Echlin
Family fun and software development
2 min readDec 11, 2018
Yoga mat of Awesome! Great for meditation, too thick for a full Yoga class.

Relaxing apparently helps me sleep better. Duh!

Saturday, with no Mandarin class in the morning, was just a relaxing day with no pressure.

I spent the morning pottering around, cleaning up some of the kitchen, listening to The Voice collections on Youtube. I sent off Carry the Mug to Medium!

I also spent 10 or 15 minutes remembering and actually doing some of the moves from the Yoga class at work. I concentrated on remembering the worst stretches, which are easy to remember, because they hurt, especially trying to do child pose. My feet won’t lie down flat on their tops in line with the front of my calves.

I also tried some of the moves that stretch my arms farther and farther, like trying to get my hands close to each other behind my back.

In the afternoon my wife and daughter and I played a board game, Terraforming Mars. I didn’t win, for the first time in 5 games. Bragging, not complaining.

Saturday night I slept straight through from about 11pm to 8am! No waking up for an hour in the middle of the night! Wow!

And then I did some Yoga on Sunday afternoon, twice, and then once this morning, Monday, before going to work.

I definitely will do more yoga, as daily as I can. And try to be more relaxed about things, so I can sleep better again.

See you again soon.



Rob Echlin
Family fun and software development

Black Lives Matter. Truth and Reconciliation. This is my place to be authentic. To write about my spiritual path, and my technical life.