With You ; For You
With You ; For You
2 min readMay 31, 2020


Why I think it’s important for mental health conversations to be a part of the curriculum.

Isn’t it ironic how every fourth person faces mental health issues, yet each one of them feels as if they are in this alone?. If you are one of them, I hope you know that you are not in this alone, you are not flawed for how you feel, perfection doesn’t exist, and, you will get through this. Here’s trying to break the notion of “mental disorders”, for it is not a disorder, for it is okay to feel the way you do. Here’s trying to talk about mental health, here’s trying to normalize it.

- [x] drowning into its depths,

we are all becoming

prisoners of

depression, anxiety, insecurities,

and stress.

what is becoming,

of this generation?

more people are


than living.

more people are


than being.

and yet no school,

cares enough

to teach us,

how to be happy.

and yet no school,

cares enough

to teach us,

mental health.

simply expecting us to,

taking care of the country,

and taking care of the world.

simply expecting us to,

becoming something,

and becoming the future.

as if,

we can carry

the weight of the world,

when we can’t even carry

the weight of our thoughts.

as if,

we can understand


when we can’t even understand ourselves.

as if,

we can read


when we can’t even read our own emotions,

as if,

we can take care

of the world,

when we can’t even take care of ourselves.

And as if,

we can become something,

become the future,

when we can’t even become ourselves.

they say,

school teaches you a lot.

but what is the point of that education,

if it doesn’t teach you,

the one thing,

which is the most important?

but what is the point of that education,

if it doesn’t teach you,

the one thing,

you need the most?

but what is the point of that education,

if it doesn’t teach you,

to be yourself?

- Mental Health should be a part of the curriculum.

Written by Nandika Khosla @rawriterr, you can check out her writing blog, https://instagram.com/rawriterr?igshid=hx0ogvs89rht

If you think you’re in need of help, download our app and get in touch with a mental health professional who can help you start your own journey towards healing.

If you’d like to submit an article / poem / artwork or anything creative on your personal experience with mental health, or anything in relation to mental health. Kindly email us the same on wyfystories@gmail.com. By sharing our experiences, together we can end the stigma.



With You ; For You
With You ; For You

Our mission revolves around educating the public regarding various mental health issues, the process of therapy and its various aspects.