Haiku of July 2022

Kan Yamamoto
with eyes closed.
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2022


a cicada shell
in the shade of kaki leaves
— remains of childhood


trampled on and on
dandelion still flourishes
— one day, so will we


leaves in canopy
murmur goodbye to neighbors
as the cedar falls


an egret glides
through the morning haze
in my head


drops on pebbles
fading away with memories
of a summer day


the thick earthy scent
brings a summer shower
making me sit back


floating on the ocean
a blanket of tranquil waves
thunderhead as my pillow


like a pearl
on a leaf in a drizzle
a snail muses


sunlight flickering,
brushed with shades of oak leaves
— ethereal watercolor


waving her hands
a black swallowtail sends
my daughter off


covered by the heat,
green chestnuts peep
longing for autumn


fallen leaves
hug each other
meeting old friends


firefly glows dimly
wafting across the river
of the starry sky


dazzling shadow
dashed over the bush
— fishhawk in the breeze


a sultry night —
a gecko on the window
relishing the light


on a rock
in the murmuring stream
alone it sprouts


sparks of blazing fire
scattered around the woods
— tiger lilies


a stroke of blue paint
on a light grayish canvas
— it will clear up soon


in the evening breeze
leaves rustle, and twigs crackle
— bamboo’s summer song


swaying as it burns
the white dragon rises up
from the charcoal kiln


in the honey mist
with the morning’s melody
a black kite circles


on a taro leaf
playing transient marbles,
drops dance in the rain


on a mountain pass,
a tiger beetle leads me
through the future path


the river smiles back
in the midsummer sunlight
like a clear mirror


the murmur of leaves
the songs of bell crickets
fade into the rain


cold stream at my feet,
breath of air over my face
like a warm towel




Kan Yamamoto
with eyes closed.

A craftsman working in the woods. Maker of Kamino Wallet.