Nathan Bailey
Within A Hundred
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2016


The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found? — J. B. Priestley

Snow holds a special place in the hearts of children — and teachers. I believe that teachers secretly harbor their inner-child, which explains why they choose to spend their lives permanently in school. Nothing brings that inner-child out like a snow day.

A warm December had made me long for the cold, clean beauty of snow. Thankfully January delivered our first big snow of the season. Friday morning was not supposed to bring any more snowfall. A brief lull was forecast before the dreaded winter storm Jonas. Instead we were greeted with a beautiful wet snow that added an inch or so to the already thick snowpack — well it was thick for East Tennessee anyways.

Warriors Path State Park is practically in my backyard, so it was an easy decision to venture out mid-morning to check out the park. Warriors has a few hiking trails but primarily offers a disc-golf course, a playground, and beautiful amenities along the lake. With all the snow, it all looked like a winter wonderland, so it didn’t really matter to us.

The road leading to the park had seen some traffic, but the roadway was still virtually impassable in a normal vehicle. We were excited, because that meant undisturbed snow. Venturing out on fresh snow is like being an explorer discovering a new land. Even though we visit the park nearly every week, it felt new and wild. Lewis and Clark had nothing on us this day.

After spotting some deer, we ventured off the road to check out the disc-golf course. Finding our footing in the woods was a game of ‘who will fall first’. Lize was the favorite to lose, but luckily neither of us ate it on the slick descent.

Walking along the creek, we came upon the Chronicle’s of Narnia themed playground. Now two childless adults don’t often get to venture into the playground without attracting strange looks. Since there wasn’t a soul in sight, we took full advantage of the opportunity. Lize had a blast on the swing and slide. Unfortunately she spent the rest of the hike with a wet bum.

Lize reluctantly left the playground, and we headed towards the lake. An occasional deer track crossed our path. Otherwise the snow was pristine. The air was warming, so large drops of melting snow pelted us from above. The sound of the melting snow was a beautiful complement to the stunning vista.

Lize’s wet pants and sore legs eventually turned our trek back to the house. I was ready to sit back and admire the snow from inside myself. On the way back, we had to stop for an obligatory picture with Mr. Tumnus in the playground. Our snow hike through the park was just what we needed on a magical snow day.

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