The Vaccines — An Intimate Gig

Nick Mastrini
Within and Without
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2015


They say student life in London is a tad expensive, but literally everything happens here. ‘Everything’ includes a lot of free stuff too.

Today: I get an email in the morning from Dice, the app, telling me I’ve got two tickets to a Vaccines gig sponsored by Vevo at a ‘secret’ location.

The venue is a hydraulic power station in Wapping, east London. We turn up, it’s raining, it’s wet both inside and outside, and the place is sparsely lit, a remnant of the industrial past of London’s docks.

The Vaccines are amazing live, energetic and frenetic, so it was surreal being right in front of this huge sound after they played a few nights at a packed O2 Academy Brixton. In fact, an impromptu stage invasion at the end left us right next to them, and then, all of a sudden, they were gone. A 90 minute burst of energy, minimal small talk, just the hits. And all I had to spend on was the tube.

Update: Vevo have since uploaded videos from the gig, like this one:

