Purpose Is-Purpose Isn’t

Jeff Melnyk
Within People
Published in
1 min readOct 15, 2017


A quick guide to finding WHY

Purpose is not:

A mission or a quest
Or a goal to save the world
A strapline for your brand
Just to make a profit (though it will be profitable)
Something to measure
An objective with a deadline

Purpose is:

A North Star
Your intention
Born of passion and intuition
Inspiring — even if it feels generic — because it is authentic
Aligned to your values
Demonstrated in everything you do
Communicated often
About change
The key to growth
Within you

Check out Within’s Guide to Finding Purpose film here!



Jeff Melnyk
Within People

Brand strategist, retired music producer, and exec coach for CEOs around the world. Fellow of the RSA. Founding partner of Within People. withinpeople.com