Artist Jason Haye latest project Surf/ace 間is the first documentation of a curating decade his output of exploring Project 5am and Flux without pause

Project 5am
Led Astray
8 min readMar 10, 2017


Introduction…. This is my meme

In the half-between worlds, Dwell they: The sound scientists In notes and tone. They speak of many things

  • Sun Ra

It’s a feeling that begins in the pit of the stomach, right? And rises up through the breast, and out the mouth and ears, right? And it comes forth as a croon or a groan or a sigh, right? And you try to put words to that by looking around and trying to describe what’s making you sigh, just sigh in words, you simply articulate what you’re feeling.

  • Allen Ginsberg

Inside the sky

Inside the sky

I’ll be

Inside the sky

Inside the sky

I’ll be









Boundary Dissolution

we drank

we got high

we made love

we danced…oh how we danced

Then I stood still

I was everything

I was nothing

  • Jason Haye

Everything flows and nothing abides. Everything gives way and nothing stays fixed. Everything flows; nothing remains. All is flux, nothing is stationary. All is flux

  • Heraclitus

A moment that can happen at any time.
when everything falls into place,
clarity is at it’s clearest,
confusion transforms into oneness
and when fate…
Welcomes you with open arms.

  • Jason Haye
  • Project 5am
  • 2007

In 28 years time, this little fucker will affect the decision of someone that he had never met before. Why did this happen. Well I have spent the last ten years find out why these events happen which I can describe in a series of the following words and visuals.

  • Jason Haye

Strange Attractor

The very time I thought I was lost, My dungeon shook and my chains fell off.

  • James Baldwin

An unfamiliar object which can arrive at any point in any form and when encounter a metamorphosis arises.

See also Dark Precursor


“The great strength of alchemical thinking and the way in which it is completely antithetical to science and in fact why science has so much contempt for it, it’s because the alchemist had the wisdom to see that everything occurs in the presence of it’s opposite. It’s not either-or, it’s both-and. They called this the coincidentia oppositorum. This is the coincidence of opposites, the union of opposites. “

  • Terence McKenna


The Dionysian dance, the desire path, the braking of the conformed old and the exploration of the edge of the unknown new.

  • Jason Haye


c̶u̶l̶t̶u̶r̶e̶ ̶ inertia is not your friend


A Cool calm swagger passes me by Are you my angel in disguise? With one blink of the eye you were there The previous second now feels like a year Now is the moment The moment is you As you prepare to land Fate (my unexplained mate) Outstretches My hand. Will Guide you Hold you Never let you go How does it feel to be not solo? From the warmth of your touch I feel distant tails from Beginning To Us

  • Jason Haye

Dark Precursor

The flash of light

before the sound of knowing

From the shadows

new forms emerge

  • Jason Haye

Axiom of Maria

Borrowing from Cusa and Bruno, Deleuze cannot resist its formula: “the trinity complicatio-explicatio- implicatio.” This is a trinity of folds, plis, relationality of interweaving rather than cutting edges. Complications, “folding together,” in Cus folding of the world in God, signifies “the chaos which contains all.” Anonymously it gives birth to another, “not separate but different” (Tertullian).

  • Catherine Keller Faces of the Deep

Solve et Coagula

Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won’t either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could.

  • Louise Erdrich, The Painted Drum


Second Naivete

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”

  • T. S. Eliot

Infinite metamorphosis

formula of forms.


bred by the taste of


in the ineffable roams

  • Jason Haye
  • Flux without pause
  • 2014

Plane of immanence

In the sound portal sitting against the wall in a room of strangers. Some were there before me, some came after me but a some point we were all waiting. But what were we waiting for ? Some people laid on their backs looking up into the sky blue globe. Some just looked into their thoughts with eyes wide awake. Felt the lens aimed at my head as I too was a target of memory of a thought. The best way to see, was to close my eyes fore in the darkness disguise, a peaceful silence arrives. Transported form the hustle of Trafalgar Square feeling like I had entered the doors of Rothko’s chapel. In the center surrounded by 360 of black, Spanish guitar strings race randomly from speaker to speaker creating a cypher around my dome, for a moment this felt like home.

  • Jason Haye

The Surf/ace

“If you want to be a poet then you can’t be, you got to know you are a poet then you have got no fucking choice, no wait… a poets fate is by choice, you chose it. But you ain’t going to get the financial rewards, your going to get a lot weight laid on you. They will look at you as weird or something or you can see something new and by seeing that something new that nobody sees, you illuminate others then you have got it made.”

  • Gregory Corso

Dynamic Equilibrium

Only by becoming strong enough to dwell on the boundary, where chaos and recapitulation of conflict preside, can the analyst keep the opposing forces at a manageable level. This is, of course, the classic Jungian method: by dwelling within tensions of opposites, not only is the patient spared the usually disastrous enantiodromia, but the transcendent function can suggest new creativity out of old chaos as well.

  • J. R. Van Eenwyk Archetypes: The Strange Attractors of the Psyche


I believe that magic is art, and that art, whether that be music, writing, sculpture, or any other form, is literally magic. Art is, like magic, the science of manipulating symbols, words or images, to achieve changes in consciousness… Indeed to cast a spell is simply to spell, to manipulate words, to change peoples consciousness, and this is why I believe that an artist or writer is the closest thing in the contemporary world to a shaman.

  • Alan Moore

The Edge

Wise men see outlines and therefore they draw them. Madmen see outlines and therefore they draw them.

  • Gregory Bateson

Darkest day

Longest night

On the most brightest

of inner lights

  • Jason Haye

Sleeping in clarity,
Heading centre bound,
there you find the sublime

because in the core of nothing….
There is something.

On a day like this,

  • Jason Haye

Darkest day

Longest night

On the most brightest

of inner lights

  • Jason Haye

Artist Jason Haye created the metaphysical art/philosophy “Project 5am” in 2007, stimulated by a peak experience during that exact moment in time and the Allen Ginsberg poem ‘Five am’. It was under this banner where Haye started to produce a series of interdisciplinary art works. Projects include the electronic album ‘Quixotes of Moons Fight The Windmills of Brixton’ and the experimental short film ‘Some kind of wonderful’ which was one of the films chosen for the Danish film auteur Lars Von Trier community project ‘Gesamt’ at the 2012 Copenhagen Art Festival. In 2014 Haye’s project titled ‘Flux Without Pause‘ explored the notion of chaos in the “third space” as the key for transformation and his late project Surf/ace is the first documentation of a curating decade of work.



Project 5am
Led Astray

Infinite metamorphosis, formulas of forms. Bred by taste of the act in the incomprehensible roams.