Community Is a Battle

Kaylyn Noel
Witness Journals | Pandemic Edition
2 min readMar 26, 2021

COVID-19 is a battle in which we’re all soldiers who should be helping fight it, but especially the healthcare workers, as they are the ones having to fight COVID-19 the most directly. Another metaphor we could make is that COVID-19 is a voice the United States specifically has needed to hear for a long time. This disease is such a huge battle, a huge catastrophe, and something that has been very scary and devastating, but you could also look at it as something, a voice, that has brought so many people and so many continued issues in this country to light. This is part of the reason it is so complex, because for some people, COVID-19 has opened their minds and hearts to come together with those around them and truly be a part of fighting this battle, but there have also been people who are the exact opposite, and have rather become more selfish and ignorant, for whatever reasons. Overall, though, I think COVID-19 has really taught people a lot, including the importance of taking care of everyone, and how no life is less or more important than another, as we have all been in this together.

Another name I think we could give COVID-19 is something like togetherness or community. When I hear “COVID-19” I feel like the first things I think of are being safe, but also being scared. By acknowledging that this disease is something that can help bring us together as a community and get through together, it theoretically could make it seem less scary because you’re reminded you’re not alone in this. At the end of the day, creating community and togetherness is also a battle though, just like COVID-19, but in a different way.

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Kaylyn Noel
Witness Journals | Pandemic Edition

My name is Kaylyn Noel and I am a Sophomore English Major at Siena College. I am also Co-Editor-In-Chief of “The Promethean”, the Siena College newspaper.