Announcing the Witnet Ambassador Program

In our path to radical decentralization, let’s give power to the pioneers in our community!

Adán Sánchez de Pedro
The Witnet Oracle Blog
2 min readSep 7, 2021


Fostering a thriving and diverse community around the Witnet protocol has always been a core priority for Witnet Foundation. We have stood steadfast to our values throughout the years, serving our community, partners, and contributors in the best possible manner.

Our roadmap to radical decentralization and community ownership of the Witnet ecosystem is clear:

Now, it is time to unleash another crucial building block of progressive decentralization — active community participation turning into being a Witnet Ambassador, aka witAdvocate!

We’d love to lead the adoption and decentralization of Witnet side-by-side with you, our beloved Witnet pioneer! With that said, please welcome our new massive initiative.


An increasing number of top projects in blockchain space are embracing decentralization as their end goal, turning teams and outside contributors into DAO’s working groups / core units.

Witnet Foundation believes the Ambassador program initiative might be a massive step forward in that direction, enabling ecosystem participants to become actively involved, showcasing their expertise, and helping make Witnet a radically decentralized oracle network.

Becoming witAdvocate will have multiple perks:

  1. Expanding your practical knowledge of blockchain space, and decentralized oracle landscape in particular;
  2. Meeting and collaborating with the most exciting builders in the space, including Witnet core contributors and partners;
  3. Being active in Witnet community and playing a crucial part in the future of Witnet’s growth and governance;
  4. Accessing witAdvocate exclusive content, insights and collaboration opportunities;
  5. Being fairly rewarded for your unique contribution!


The Witnet Ambassador Program will initially consist of two working groups: tech and growth witAdvocates. Each working group will perform specific weekly/monthly tasks to drive further adoption and value to the Witnet ecosystem and beyond.

Working groups will be as diverse and decentralized as possible, as we love and welcome individuals with different backgrounds, accepting all shapes and forms! We cherish and enjoy diversity, decentralization, and freedom.

There will be numerous ways how witAdvocate, depending on one’s strengths, can contribute:

  • community building, engagement on social networks
  • hosting community meetings, gatherings, local meet-ups
  • content creation (text/audio/video/visuals)
  • development support and contribution (code, tutorials, hackathons)
  • mentorship and (tech) support


If you’re interested in becoming one of our first ever witAdvocate rockstars, make sure to apply through this form by the 20th of September. Witnet Foundation will review all the candidates and reach back to share next steps.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you and growing together!



Adán Sánchez de Pedro
The Witnet Oracle Blog

@Witnet_io board member, CTO at @StamperyCo, founder of @LoquiIM. Microelectronics aficionado. I write code, give talks, make music, brew beer and laugh a lot.