How to prove wallet ownership in myWitWallet?

The Witnet Oracle Blog
3 min readOct 18, 2023


The latest release of myWitWallet (0.1.7-dev) allows its users to sign a message using the private key associated with an address. This is a super useful feature to irrevocably prove that they are the owner of this address.

In this article I will show how to sign a message in a couple of super simple steps.

First of all, you need to login to your wallet. Note that it is advised to login using your password rather than biometrics if you are using the mobile version. If you login using biometrics, your private keys are not decrypted and you will need to enter your password when signing the message.

Then, you go to the settings panel by clicking the gear button in the top right corner.

Go to the settings panel.

In the settings panel, select the wallet panel. This panel allows you to export your private key or sign a message. In this article, we will detail the latter feature. Note that this feature is only available starting at version 0.1.7-dev. This version can be seen at the bottom of the settings panel (see below).

After selecting the wallet panel, click on the sign message button.

Sign message.

In the signing panel, you have to select the address you want to use to sign the message from the dropdown menu, enter a message in the textbox below and finally click on the sign button.

You will now see a field with the address which was used to sign the message, the actual message which was signed, the public key used to sign the message and the final signature.

You can choose to export this as a JSON file or copy this as a JSON object. Once you share this JSON file, any third party can now verify that you own the address you claim as your own!

