Introducing the Witnet Grant Program

The Witnet Oracle Blog
3 min readSep 1, 2022

In an effort to further bootstrap protocols using the Witnet oracle, we’re restructuring the Grant program and transitioning it into the second version.

The Witnet Grant Program rundown

The Witnet Grant Program is something the Witnet Foundation is incredibly excited to announce today. We’ve been working hard on this project for the last few months, and we think we have figured out a great solution to bootstrap more development using the Witnet oracle on all of the chain integrations.

The grants are specifically designed for, and exclusive to developers building smart contracts and applications on the current chain integrations. Because we want to grow the use cases of the Witnet Oracle, we want to focus solely on development grants of projects that will use or are using the Witnet oracle or projects that are making the Witnet network stronger.

If you think this is for you, read on to learn more!

There are three types of grants within this program

  1. Retrograde Funding: for developers that have a project in the very early stages and think that a Witnet grant is the perfect thing to help jumpstart the project.
  2. Retroactive Funding: for developers who have already used the Witnet oracle and would love some compensation for their hard work.
  3. Resource Funding: for developers who have had the project deployed for quite some time, and they want the funding to pay for things like gas fees directly from the foundation, or for marketing.

The program is focused on the use cases for the Witnet oracle, such as those listed below:

  • Price Feeds
  • Randomness
  • Data Feeds
  • GraphQL feeds

If your project us using these, or will use these data feeds please consider applying to the Witnet Grant Program.

Additionally, while receiving monetary compensation from the Witnet Foundation, you will also have access to our tight-knit yet large community. While we will provide project funding to an extent, we will also provide marketing materials through all of our channels such as Discord, Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, YouTube, Blog, among others.

Before you apply, please make sure to read this document thoroughly, as it has the basic rundown, timeline, expectations, and more. You can apply directly on that document as well!

Take a look at one other project we funded through our first grant program:

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