November Monthly Roundup

This community call included October with the November review, as we skipped our traditional call in exchange for the Proof of Stake call in October. This roundup will reflect that too.

The Witnet Oracle Blog
5 min readNov 30, 2023


Watch the November & October Community Call recording here.

Cross Chain Data Requests

Cross Chain Data Requests went live in October and is a new data request protocol for smart contract developers that allows them to access information from any smart contract compatible blockchain. These data requests work very similar to a typical Witnet data request but it opens up the door to a whole new slew of possibilities and access to information.

Cross Chain Data Requests are able to retrieve information like contract balances, the existence of transactions, address balances, and more to allow for incredible use-cases that likely haven’t been discovered. In typical Witnet fashion, these data requests are highly secure and decentralized because they are being fulfilled on the Witnet layer 1 with built in cryptoeconomic security. Read more about these request here.

Witnet went live on Scroll

In late October, the Witnet oracle was integrated onto Scroll mainnet- it was the first oracle available on the budding zero knowledge EVM chain. Witnet has been live on testnet since early 2022 and had first-mover advantage when integrating onto the mainnet when Scroll officially launched it.

The avaialable price feeds are BTC/USD, ETH/USD, UNI/USD, USDC/USD both on testnet and mainnet.

You can read more about this integration here.

WIT listed on Changelly

We made quite a bit of noise in October about this listing, but if you haven’t heard, the $WIT coin was listed on Changelly and went live in mid-October. Changelly is a non-KYC swap exchange that allows the WIT coin to be swapped for any supported asset pair. There are currently 500 supported assets on the platform that you can swap in and out of. The user experience is seamless and easy to use and the fees are incredibly low compared to many other exchanges.

Create a Changelly account and read more about the integration.

Oracle comparison series

This month we began a series about how Witnet is architecturally different from all other oracles, and we have been coming out with a new comparison on a weekly basis. These articles trying to disseminate Witnet 2.0 but because some of these reference points are easier (and not changing much with 2.0), we also made some comparisons with the current version of Witnet.

The series began with Witnet versus Band and then extended to Chainlink and Pyth. Our super advocates wrote articles in their own style with UMA, Tellor, and Redstone being the focus.

Roadmap update

Last month we formally introduced the roadmap for Witnet 2.0. You can view the full thing here.

The roadmap brought to light a few steps that must happen before Witnet 2.0 is fully implemented. We detailed this in the Proof of Stake discussion call in October. Right now, we are right on track with the steps in the roadmap. The development process is going smoothly. There are always hiccups with these things, but we’re happy to report that nothing major has caused progress to slow. We are in the final tests of various 2.0 processes and we expect to be announcing the public launch in December.

Grant updates

In November, we agreed to fund the CroDraw protocol for their second phase of the roadmap. They are building a charity-focused lottery on the Cronos and Scoll blockchains. They need access to secure randomness and have been using the Witnet oracle for it for quite some time.

The Witnet Foundation agreed to fund the phase 2 for a total of $2,500.

myWitWallet announcements

Recently we announced that myWitWallet has been upgraded to v0.2.0. But even beyond that, we’re happy to announce that it has been launced to version 1!

This is a great step forward because it legitmazes Witnet’s wallet ecosystem. Version 1 is available on the Google Play Store for free download. We expect it to be live on the App Store in a few weeks pending any random issues with Apple’s approval process.

Apart from that, myWitWallet will now notify you when there’s an update available. Furthermore you can now speed up transactions directly in the wallet, and save the log for easier debugging. Lastly, the wallet is generally faster.

New Meter price feeds

We’ve added some new price feeds to the Meter mainnet this month:


Community stats

Our budding community has grown pretty well in these last two months. As the community builder, I’m very excited to see these metrics. Let’s walk through them here.

Below are two charts that represent our community forum growth. On the left is Discord and on the right is Telegram. Discord, in all fairness, has been slow to see the numbers we were at prior to the September Discord hack. We’re working on getting them back but it is showing to be slower than expected. Telegram has seen impressive growth to the tune of 20–30 new members. We saw close to around 50, but many of them are bots that were banned all at once, instead of slowly like in the past: this is due to our new spam filtering bot that doesn’t ban the spammers, just deletes their message. We manually must go in and delete the spammers which, when done all at once, makes the chart look scary.

Below are some charts of our Twitter performance as of late. I’m very excited to see these numbers because it showcases a budding and engaged and growing community.

On our tweets throughout the day, we’re seeing an average of 85 likes and 29 retweets, up from about a quarter of that just 6 months ago.


That’s all for this community roundup!

We hope to see you next month for the December community call and roadmap discussion.

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