Witnet decentralized oracle brings Aragon DAOs to Discord

A new integration enables online communities to vote on proposals and to democratically arrange cryptocurrency payments without leaving the place where they hang out — their Discord servers.

Adán Sánchez de Pedro
The Witnet Oracle Blog
4 min readMay 31, 2021


The Witnet decentralized oracle project is releasing an integration with Aragon Govern, the Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO) framework that enables off-chain voting with on-chain execution, and Discord, the leading voice, video and chat app for online communities.

This 3-way integration makes the most of the powerful and flexible Discord bot API to enable online communities to discuss and vote on proposals right from the place where they live and thrive these days: Discord.

Using this integration, communities can create proposals, vote for them (👍) or against them (👎) using emoji reactions, and get the result of the vote executed on Ethereum.

In other words, online communities can now deposit their cryptocurrency treasury in their own Aragon DAO and use this intuitive voting system to arrange payments — and even contract interactions! — in a cooperative, democratic and accessible way.

Making the most of three excellent technologies

This new integration showcases the powerful intersection between DAOs, oracles and the most successful online community tool to date.

DAOs bring superpowers to online communities, enabling them to attract and incentivize contributors by giving them a say in the future of the organization, pool funds in the form of cryptocurrencies or tokens, and collaboratively govern how their common funds are deployed into their common mission.

Oracles are a crucial part of blockchain technology. Without a reliable oracle, smart contracts can be vulnerable to hacks, corruption and monetary loss. Decentralized oracles enable the connection between smart contracts and traditional web infrastructure like websites or APIs.

In this case, the Witnet oracle is used to read the result of each voting from the Discord API, and to securely relay those results to the Ethereum contract of each community’s Aragon DAO.

We are trying to make the most of the strongest features of each of these protocols while focusing on creating an easy on-ramp for communities into the DAO world by building something that feels natural for them to use.

— Adán SDPC, Witnet Foundation

Making voting and governance usable and accessible for everyone is an important stepping stone for expanding the usage of DAOs beyond the crypto sphere and improving the democracy of organizations worldwide.

— Luis Iván Cuende, Cofounder of Aragon

This integration is also one of the first times that the ERC-3000 standard is being used in production. The new Ethereum standard provides for a unified interface for optimistic voting systems, i.e. polling a community using off-chain mechanisms and then executing the decision on-chain. This integration is using ERC-3000 for allowing disputes in cases where the community is not completely content with the result of the voting.

The Witnet+Aragon+Discord integration has been possible thanks to the joint effort of the Witnet Foundation, OtherPlane, Aragon and Vocdoni teams. The source code is available on GitHub.

How to use it

To use this innovative voting system — which is currently in the Proof of Concept stage — an admin of a Discord community that also has an Aragon DAO simply needs to invite the “Aragon Govern ft. Witnet” bot to their Discord server using this link and invoke the !setup command in the channel where the voting will take place. The bot itself guides them through the rest of the setup process.

Once set up, new proposals can be sent using the !proposal command. To prevent misuse or spam, the right to propose can be limited to a particular Discord role at the time of the setup. Similarly, if voting needs to be restricted to a particular role or specific users, the bot needs to be set up from a channel in the server that has the right permissions.

About Witnet

Witnet is a decentralized oracle that is true to the censorship resistant nature of blockchains. The Witnet protocol leverages state-of-the-art cryptographic and economic techniques to provide smart contracts with secure data input.

Website | Discord | Telegram | Twitter | Reddit | Youtube

About Aragon

Aragon is the leading platform for enabling online communities, companies and collectives of all types to run Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) on Ethereum.

Website | Discord | Forum | Twitter | Reddit | YouTube

About Discord

Discord is a voice, video and text communication service used by over a hundred million people to hang out and talk with their friends and communities.

Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube



Adán Sánchez de Pedro
The Witnet Oracle Blog

@Witnet_io board member, CTO at @StamperyCo, founder of @LoquiIM. Microelectronics aficionado. I write code, give talks, make music, brew beer and laugh a lot.