Witnet Mainnet 1.1.2 is here! Upgrade Your Witnet Node/s Now

Witnet Mainnet 1.1.2 (witnet-rust 1.1.2) is here! Set up or upgrade your nodes now.

Thomas Smith
The Witnet Oracle Blog
4 min readOct 13, 2020


What to expect?

At 9am UTC on Wednesday 14th October 2020, Witnet made the monumental and long-anticipated transition to Mainnet. A huge thank you to everyone that helped get Witnet to this point.

In each block (a new one every 45 seconds), 250 $WIT tokens is mined by successful block proposers. Get your nodes set up now to ensure you’re earning rewards.

Upgrade now! Different setups, different upgrade methods

The process will depend on your setup. Please identify which of the following setups you have:

  1. I’m running a node on Docker.
  2. I’m running a node on Docker Compose.
  3. I’m running a node with systemd.
  4. I’m running the binary directly from the release or the source code.
  5. I’m not running a node yet.

Check below for specific instructions corresponding to each setup.

Setup 1: I’m running a node on Docker

Upgrading is as easy as:

  1. Remove the old container.
docker stop witnet_node
docker rm witnet_node

2. Pull the latest version of the Docker image:

docker pull witnet/witnet-rust

3. Create a 1.1.2 container with the following command (if you changed the persistent storage path in the past, change ~/.witnet for whatever path you were using):

docker run -d \
--name witnet_node \
--volume ~/.witnet:/.witnet \
--publish 21337:21337 \
--restart always \

Voilà! Your 1.1.2 Witnet Mainnet node is now up and running. Your master key is safe and your addresses will be the same.

Remember that you can always double-check the Witnet version that you are running with this command:

docker exec witnet_node witnet --version

If you want to make sure that everything is in order, please take a look at the new “What’s next?” guide in the Witnet protocol documentation.

Warning: if you customized your witnet.toml file, you may need to make those changes again after this upgrade.

Setup 2: I’m already running a node on Docker Compose

Upgrading your Docker Compose setup is even easier. First navigate to the directory where your docker-compose.yaml file is. For example, if you are using @Bertux integration:

cd witnet-operator-tools/docker/compose/bertux-operator-stable

From there, doing the upgrade is as easy as:

docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

If you want to make sure that everything is in order, please take a look at the new “What’s next?” guide in the Witnet protocol documentation.

Warning: if you customized your witnet.toml file, you may need to make those changes again after this upgrade.

Setup 3: I’m running a node with systemd

These are the steps for upgrading if you are using Harsh Jain’s systemd integration (the witnet.sh installer and management tool):

  1. Make sure that you have the latest version of the witnet.sh file.
  2. Simply run the upgrade command, changing the number after -e with the number of nodes that you are operating:
./witnet.sh upgrade -s 1 -e 10

Remember that you can always double-check the Witnet version that you are running with this command:

./witnet.sh run -c "--version"

Voilà! Your nodes should be now up and running on the new Mainnet.

If you want to make sure that everything is in order, please take a look at the new “What’s next?” guide in the Witnet protocol documentation.

Warning: if you customized your witnet.toml file, you may need to make those changes again after this upgrade.

Setup 4: I’m running the binaries directly or compiling from source

If not using Docker, you just need to download the latest release or build it from the source code. The new release will detect the genesis block, sync to the tip of the chain and start mining as usual. Your master key is safe and your addresses will be the same :)

The only case in which additional steps are needed is if you modified a custom witnet.toml file. If that’s the case, please make sure you update all the consensus constants so they are the same as in this example. Also, you may need to make sure that your configuration file is located in the same directory as the witnet binary itself.

Regarding the genesis_block.json , please ensure that it is located in .witnet/config/genesis_block.json (relative to the witnet binary). Remember that you can download this file from the release page.

You can always double-check the Witnet version that you are running with this command:

witnet --version

If you want to make sure that everything is in order, please take a look at the new “What’s next?” guide in the Witnet protocol documentation.

Warning: if you customized your witnet.toml file, you may need to make those changes again after this upgrade.

Setup 5: I’m not running a node yet

What are you waiting for? The sooner you set your node/s up, the sooner you can start mining $WIT tokens! Get started in less than 5 minutes!

