Witnet Must-Reads Digest

A dynamically updated reading list of materials to learn everything you’d want to know about Decentralized Oracle Networks and Witnet

Jose Garay
The Witnet Oracle Blog
4 min readSep 18, 2018


We at the Witnet Foundation have been extremely appreciative of the words of encouragement received after releasing our first prototype to the public, Sheikah. In the blog post and video we produced, we wanted to give users an idea of how the prototype aligns with the core mission and functionality of the Witnet Decentralized Oracle Network (DON).

However, in addition to reading our whitepaper, we have published a series blog posts already that we feel explain a lot of the core ideas behind what Witnet is, why we’re doing it and why you should care.

This list will be updated on an ongoing basis 📆

Data Oracle Basics

It is necessary to understand the core concepts of what oracles are and why we use them. Especially in relation to smart contracts, the way that data is accessed and ensured is critically important to how entire business models and mission critical operations will function.

The Why’s

Those building towards this future are all well aware of the limitations that all smart contract platforms currently experience — they are cut off from the real world in terms of accessing data in a decentralized way.

These articles dig into what truth really means in society, technology and business:

Initial Usecases

Nothing inspires the imagination more than concrete use-cases of how a technology can be applied in the real world. The following articles are just a few examples of how we envision Witnet affecting the real world:


Witnet is a highly technical project, and the development team likes to share releases and insights with anyone who is eager to get involved with our code and products. If you’re a developer who wants to connect smart contracts to real world data, be sure to check these out:


We like diving deep into interesting topics related to the functionality of a decentralized oracle network. If you are into detailed explanations about how complex systems work, you will enjoy reading through these posts.

Coming Up…

Witnet is an open source project and we will rely on the community to continue to give us the feedback necessary to create the best decentralized oracle network that the world has seen.

We will continue to create content regarding our own research, emerging use cases, where we will be in terms of events and meetups, as well as what we see happening generally in the oracle space. If there are any special topics you would like us to cover, please let us know!

Thank you for dropping by!

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments below. You can follow Witnet on Twitter and stay up to date on our blog.

