A Day In The Life With Anxiety As An Entrepreneur

Shanice J. Douglas-Samuels
Witted Roots
Published in
6 min readAug 14, 2018


1:25 AM

I lay with my back pressed against the soft cotton sheets, noting that it’s willing itself to spasm itself into oblivion. I’m staring up at the ceiling, watching the occasional glimpses of light trickle through the curtains hanging at the windows. I pick up the starving yowls of a dog in the near distance, pausing only to catch his breath in the cold wind that is whipping ferociously outside. The trees outside of my window are trembling.

So am I.

Well, to put it more accurately, my body is weak and having chills, partly from the dip in the temperatures of this late summer’s night, but mostly due to lack of sleep, exhaustion, and the aching of my head from the three-thousand thoughts speed-racing through my mind at any given moment.

I’m just so tired.

6:36 AM

“Did I turn the stove off?”

“Did I respond to N.J.’s email about her submission in a timely manner?”

“What if D.T. decides to not follow-through with our collaboration idea? How, then, will we be able to gain a larger audience?”

“If we aren’t able to reach a wider network of people, how will we make any money on our product, and if we make no money on our product, how will we be able to keep the website running. The subscription fee will be due before you know it, what if we aren’t able to renew it, what if…”

“Did I remember to respond…



Shanice J. Douglas-Samuels
Witted Roots

Mental Health + Emotional Wellness Entrepreneur. | Founder, Witted Roots (https://wittedroots.com/) | I’m crowdfunding! : ifundwomen.com/projects/witted-roots