Business strategies

53 website ideas to make money in 2024

Want to build a website but don’t know where to start? These 53 website ideas will inspire you and help you make money at the same time.



There’s nothing more exciting than coming up with an idea then building it into the next big thing. When you create a website, the possibilities are almost limitless. To help you decide the best site for you, we’ve put together a list of 53 website ideas that’ll put you on the road to success.

To increase your chances of making a profit from your website, make sure you create high-quality content that people will be drawn to and promote it through social media, SEO and other channels. Use effective monetization strategies, from advertising and affiliate marketing to selling products and services that will help you pivot from creating a website to starting a business.

9 profitable website ideas

Whether your aim is to establish a professional online presence, display your portfolio or share your interests, these website ideas will inspire you and make you money.

  1. Blog
  2. eLearning website
  3. eCommerce website
  4. Portfolio website
  5. Resume website
  6. Nonprofit website
  7. Event website
  8. Business website
  9. Personal website

01. Blog

A blog can be a valuable feature within most types of websites, but starting a blog website can open up a wealth of opportunities. People use blogs to connect with others, showcase their writing chops or share their expertise. Eventually, some even figure out how to monetize a blog and make writing their full-time job. These blog templates are helpful plug-and-play options, but you can also use them to spark your own website design ideas.

The most common way to turn your blog into a money-making venture is to advertise. Work with ad networks to display ads on your site so that when a visitor clicks on an ad, you earn a commission. You can also earn money from referring visitors to other websites in a strategy called affiliate marketing.

At the same time use keyword research to plan blog posts that can get you ranking on search engines, generate traffic and increase your visibility to readers.

Read Abode by Estie Kessler to get some inspiration from a successful blog.

02. eLearning website

If you’re an expert in a particular area, consider creating an eLearning website so that you can teach others about it. This type of website can include a series of videos on any topic of your choice. Draw in viewers by offering some videos for free, then charge for access to longer, more in-depth content. Creating these tutorials can be an effective way to make money online. You can start your eLearning site with one of these professional online education website templates.

The most common way to make money from an eLearning website is by selling courses, either by creating your own or selling courses created by others. You can also charge a monthly or annual fee to access premium content or features on your website. Want to build on this? Develop courses that people can enjoy on the go from a mobile app.

03. eCommerce website

Whether you want to sell your handmade items or you want to give dropshipping a try, an eCommerce website would be the best website for you. Starting an online store and your own online marketplace can be a relatively painless process if you have the right tools at your disposal. Wix has hundreds of eCommerce website templates, each of which has all the necessary features to get people shopping with you — such as secure payment processing and multichannel selling capabilities — built right in so that you don’t need to do any of your own coding.

The most common way to make a profit on your eCommerce website is to sell products. You can either sell products you own or products that you dropship from other retailers, clothing is often a popular choice. Another popular electronic business idea is a subscription business — where customers sign up and pay to recieve products on a monthly, or other time conditioned schedule. You can also earn a commission for referring visitors to other eCommerce websites.

See Izzy Wheels for a great example of a profitable eCommerce website.

04. Portfolio website

An online portfolio website is a great way to showcase your visual work, particularly if you’re an artist, photographer, writer, fashion model, photojournalist or interior designer. A beautiful online portfolio will help you gain professional opportunities (architecture portfolios, for example), and it can even help you develop a fan base. When you create an online portfolio, take inspiration from the best portfolio websites and consider linking from the site to your social media profiles and from your social media profiles to the site.

The goal of a portfolio website is to offer your services, whether it’s in graphic design, photography or writing. You can also make money by offering relevant products on your website. If you are a photographer, you can feature mugs with your photos displayed on them, for example.

Head to g1yoon for an impressive example of a portfolio website.

05. Resume website

A CV or resume website serves a similar function as a portfolio website, as it allows you to put your experience and expertise on display. You can think of a resume website as an in-depth business card that tells the public who you are, what you do, and why they should pay attention to you when it comes to new recruitment and employment opportunities. This type of website is valuable for professionals in every field, as it boosts your credibility among potential clients, business partners and employers. If you’re wondering how to make a resume website that embodies your personality and profession, check out these resumes and CVs website templates for some smart website design ideas.

If you are a freelancer or consultant, you can use your resume website to sell your services. You can also use it to showcase your work and attract potential clients.

06. Nonprofit website

A nonprofit website can help you raise awareness about a cause, attract volunteers, and gather donations. Creating a nonprofit website is doable for any organization in the field, even those that lack a professional web designer. Check out this list of the best nonprofit website templates for some website design ideas.

When it comes to making money for your nonprofit, the most important way is to rely on donations. After that, you can sell merchandise with your nonprofit’s logo or branding. This is a good way to raise awareness for your cause and generate revenue.

Check out Housing Hope to see an inspiring example of a nonprofit website.

07. Event website

From company meetups and music festivals to neighborhood block parties and retirement celebrations, a promotional event website will help you provide guests with all the information they need. With Wix Events, you’ll be able to manage your event calendar, update event details and sell tickets. Browse these designer-made event website templates and select one that you think will excite your guests the most.

If you are hosting an event, you can sell tickets to visitors. This is the most common way to make money from an event website. You can also sell sponsorships to businesses that want to be associated with your event and display ads.

08. Business website

Every business needs a strong business website, regardless of its industry or niche. If you’re a business owner, create a website for business with an online presence that mirrors the look and feel of your brand with relevant content and a coordinated visual style. Take a look at these business website templates for some profitable website ideas. Consulting websites are also a great fit for professionals looking to extend their reach online.

Monetizing your business website depends on what you are trying to promote. This can range from selling products and services to affiliate marketing and sponsorships.

Scroll through ADME | Social Media Agency for a buzz-worthy example among the business websites out there.

09. Personal website

Out of all the website ideas, this one is truly for anyone. No matter our hobbies, professions or goals, all of us can benefit from a personal website. Use your site to tell your personal story, showcase your latest projects or simply build your presence on the web.

If you want to make money from your personal website, it will depend on your skills and audience. You can offer services based on your talents through your personal website. You can also create and sell digital products, such as eBooks, online courses, or templates.

If you have a large and engaged audience, you can leverage that audience to make money through promoting affiliate products, getting sponsorships or charging for access to premium content, such as exclusive articles, videos, or webinars.

Browse Simply Tabitha for a lovely example of a personal website.

44 good website topics that’ll spark some ideas

Once you know what type of website you want to make, you need to decide what the focus is going to be. Here are 44 website ideas to inspire you.

1. Fashion website

If you’ve got a passion for fashion, consider building your blog around it. A model portfolio, as seen in these model portfolio examples can showcase your professional work and help garner clients. If you’re more of a hobbyist, fashion blogging might be more up your alley. You can use a fashion blog to highlight your personal style and help readers curate their own closet. These customizable fashion and style website templates can help you get started.

Get to know Lissa Brandon to get some style points for a fashion website.

2. Beauty website

If your friends are always asking you about your skincare routine or how you drew your siren eyeliner so perfectly, consider creating a beauty website. You can create tutorials using Wix’s video maker or upload videos you’ve already made. This selection of makeup and cosmetics website templates offers an array of stylish website design ideas to fuel your inspiration. You can also use your website as a review site for beauty products and techniques.

3. Finance website

When it comes to websites that make money, websites that teach budgeting techniques and economical lifestyle tips are hugely popular these days. If you’re a personal finance guru, create a content-rich website with blog posts, video tutorials and eBooks to teach followers your strategies. To share a fresh perspective and create a buzz in a crowded field, offer finance management advice to specific audiences, such as college students or entrepreneurs.

Check out Conqr Finance for a quality example of a finance website.

4. Fitness website

If you’re a fitness professional, a fitness website can help you reach customers, grow your business and make money. The best fitness websites often include video tutorials, a blog that is chock-full of expert tips and an online booking system for classes or personal training. At the end of the day, effective business websites should help you manage your bookings and schedule, communicate with clients, handle payments and, of course, inspire your clients to be their best selves.

The Fighters Club sets a powerful example for other fitness websites and personal trainers.

5. Counseling website

If you’re a counselor or therapist, you can create a website that both highlights your expertise and makes it easier for prospective clients to find you. Include a bookings feature to make it simple for clients to set up appointments online and easy for you to manage your schedule. Since counseling is a highly sensitive experience and prospective clients will approach it carefully, it’s also a good idea to include testimonials that establish your credibility.

Sift through Neighbors Counseling to get ideas for a counseling website.

6. Self-help website

Self-help websites can help people build confidence, nurture relationships, develop healthy coping skills or achieve their goals. A key feature of this type of website is a blog with recommendations and suggestions. If writing isn’t your forte, you can set up online bookings for personal consultations, create informative videos and point people to useful resources.

See Kidz Can Cope, which is a great example of a self-help website.

7. Health website

If you have a medical background, consider creating a health website. Your website can include a blog that provides evidence-based explainers, lifestyle tips, or nutritious recipes. For added value, you can even incorporate a podcast or vlog that guides your audience along their health journey.

Check out City Dietitians for a helpful example of a health website.

8. Music website

Creating a music website can help musicians promote their music, keep fans engaged and serve as a portfolio for those looking for gigs. There are plenty of music website templates available to get you started and provide you with website design ideas. To give people access to your songs, consider setting up Wix Music.

Head to Ross McReynolds to see an exciting example of a music website.

9. Photography website

When you’re just starting out as a photographer, it’s crucial that you create a photography portfolio that best showcases your work. Your site will need to feature high-resolution images that load quickly and are fun to scroll through. Your work should be the star, so flashy graphic design isn’t necessary and might even be distracting. These photography portfolio templates will give you an idea of what works well. A photography site where you also offer images for sale, can be a great way to generate passive income from photos you’ve already taken.

View facunruiz for a beautiful example of a photography website.

10. Wedding website

The first thing people want to do when they get engaged is to tell their loved ones. A wedding website can help you share the exciting news and keep guests informed of your upcoming celebrations. It can serve as a useful platform for sending invites, managing your wedding calendar, sharing your gift registry, and collecting RSVPs. After the big day, the site can serve as an online photo album for your guests can enjoy. If you’re looking for website design ideas, check out these gorgeous wedding website examples and wedding website templates.

Meet The Dows for a stunning example of how to make a wedding website.




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