To Click or Not to Click? 29 CTA Examples That Worked

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13 min readNov 27, 2018

To click or not to click? That should never be a question! The reason why marketers and business owners who create a website use Call-to-Actions (CTAs) is precisely to persuade their target audience that clicking is a must. A powerful CTA directs the mouse cursor or the fingertips right to the point of action — whether it’s to purchase, subscribe, make a reservation or any other activity that serves the business’ end goal.

Writing and designing effective CTAs can be challenging. On the one hand, you want your CTA to stand out. On the other, you don’t want to appear too salesly or desperate. Design isn’t the only element here either. Crafting the perfect sentence can be difficult too. There are only so many words you can use to encourage visitors to buy, register or book. So in order to master the art of the CTA, learning and research is key. The following helpful information and inspiration to meant to strengthen your marketing materials, such as your website. In this article are 29 handpicked, fantastic examples of CTAs that show you how it’s done.


When we ask first-time users to join the Wix family and create a website, we have full confidence that we are inviting them to start something great for themselves — a business website, an online portfolio or a digital CV — all of these offer opportunities for a successful future. This is precisely what our CTA on the homepage is meant to visualize — an invitation for a bright, creative future that is only a few clicks away.

02. Prezi

“Words won’t do it justice. Neither will a simple video.” Prezi, the digital presentation platform, uses this intriguing line to get people interested in what they have to offer. In other words, they’re telling their clients that nothing can capture just how great their product is, but once they try Prezi, they will know for themselves. After this warm-up, the ‘Try Prezi Next Free’ button is situated perfectly to encourage visitors to make a quick and determined action.

03. ZeroCater

Hmmm… a catering pilot, you say? Who can refuse an offer like that?!? ZeroCater is a service-provider that offers catering for offices. Their business model is based on contracts and agreements that are a little more complex than simply signing up for an account, and they realize that. To make themselves attractive to office managers, they clarify straight ahead that they are happy to offer a pilot with no commitments. This type of offer does not only make the initial connection more pleasant and open, it also signals to their potential clients that they are confident in the service that they offer.

04. Modcloth

As an online retailer, ModCloth knows the risk of shoppers losing interest when faced with too large of a selection. They also know that they can get more sales if they personalize their messaging. This is why their homepage is filled with more niche-oriented CTAs, including “Shop party style” or “Shop gifts under $50.” Modcloth keeps their CTAs up-to-date, for example, they currently offer a “Shop stocking stuffers” with Christmas gift shopping on the horizon.

05. Slack

To understand Slack’s CTA strength, you need to take into account the full homepage design. Both in image and text, the team collaboration platform prominently emphasizes “together” as a value that they promote through their service. The homepage includes a navigation menu that serves to offer more information (pricing, services, etc.), but the one clickable item that really stands out is the ‘Get Started’ button on the right side. Other than the ‘Sign In’ link for existing clients, this button is the only clickable action on the page before scrolling. This straightforward architecture compels visitors by first pointing out what Slack can do for them, and then offering to get started right away.

06. Box

Box offers cloud storage servers for large organizations, like hospitals, universities and large corporations. The company realizes that this type of venture need personal connections before they are willing to commit to a contract, which is why the ‘Contact Us’ link features so prominently on their website. This is a terrific example of a company that understands its business flow and prioritizes its CTAs in accordance.

07. Ample Hills

Ice cream shops aren’t primarily famous for emails, and you wouldn’t assume that people want to sign up for their newsletters. That is, until you see Ample Hills’ newsletter pop-up, inviting you to “sweeten your inbox” with a delightful illustration of a cow checking for mail. We are certain that many people who visited their site only to check for their store address were more than happy to subscribe to their newsletter after seeing this.

08. Fetch

Fetch is a company for data extraction services, which means that they can provide organizations and businesses with information and content that is helpful for their operation. Companies like Fetch work with clients that often don’t fully understand the nitty-gritty process of data extraction and what it can do for them. That’s why Fetch offers demos, and they do it loud and clear. Inviting potential clients to ‘Request a Demo’ is their way to start a conversation.

09. Epicurious

If you’ve ever used a cooking blog, you may have noticed that many of them opt for a layout that centers around recent posts with a categories menu on a side column. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it does make the process of locating recipes slower and a bit more cumbersome, especially for a large recipe blog like Epicurious. That’s why we love their choice to highlight the search option as the main element of their homepage. It helps their visitors to get right to the point — search, get hungry and start cooking!

10. Kong

On Kong’s website, you will see more than one CTA. First you have the buttons for ‘Install Kong’ and ‘Request Demo’, with the green ‘Install’ button clearly meaning to attract more immediate attention. So what makes the ‘Start Free Trial’ CTA unique? Precisely because it offers the middle road between the two options. Installing may seem like a strong commitment for many clients, while requesting a demo might feel like too long a process. Starting a free trial is the perfect compromise that offers immediate action but no strings attached.

11. Gigster

Many online businesses use a chat feature on their websites to engage their visitors, but Gigster are unique in making the chat option so prominent in their homepage design. This is an intentional step that shows confidence in the company’s ability to market their development service by starting conversations. It’s a great trust-building strategy that positions Gigster as a company that values their clients’ interests.

12. GitLab

When experienced online users see the term ‘Free Trial,’ they wonder what’s the catch. GitLab’s invitation for a free trial tells these concerned visitors that they have nothing to be worried about with two important terms: ‘risk-free’ and ‘no credit card required.’ Understanding what causes potential clients to hesitate, they cleverly reassure all skeptics that what they have in mind is just to provide tools for developers to work more efficiently and smoothly.

13. Stand4Socks

Pop-ups can be extremely frustrating for website visitors, and that’s never a good thing for website owners. But when they are used creatively, pop-ups can fun, engaging and even great for branding. Stand4Socks have an awesome email sign-up pop-up that is designed like a wheel-of-fortune contest. Instead of subscribing, their CTA invites you to ‘spin’ the wheel for an opportunity to win a prize. This is an excellent and original method to attract email subscribers and get leads.

14. Lever

Demonstrations are an important marketing tool for digital service providers like Lever, a recruiting and hiring service. They offer potential clients the possibility to get a good impression of the product and its strengths before signing a deal. But that means that they also create a barrier between their visit to their site and their engagement with the service. Demos feel like something that you do later, while the online rhythm is all about the ‘now.’ This is why we like Lever’s use of ‘Get a Demo’ for their CTA. It adds a sense of immediacy to the process — click now, get it now.

15. Domino’s

Sometimes, one CTA is not enough to capture all audiences. That’s what Domino’s figured out when they decided to address their visitors with two options — get your pizza from us, or we bring your pizza to you. The great thing about these two buttons is that they also use the most simple and straightforward phrasing to prompt action. While CTAs almost always rely on a verb, the invitation to choose between ‘Delivery’ and ‘Carryout’ is so clear that no verb is needed.

16. Patagonia

No need to search for a navigation menu and then look at a long list of links that appear through a drop-down-menu. Patagonia gives you the main categories straight away: Shop for men, for women or for the little ones. This is a terrific way to streamline the shoppers towards their desired products. But it also directs them towards a broad enough category where they will find not only what they were looking for, but even more recommended products.

17. Bellwether

Coffee enthusiasts are a niche target audience that appreciate refined products and services. Bellwether captured this audience’s motivations very well in their choice to use the CTA ‘Reserve Your Roaster.’ For one, this line helps potential clients to imagine that the roaster is already their own. In addition, it suggests that the roaster is a rare find, a select product that is not available to the mass public. Be smart and reserve it now, their CTA implies, inviting their audience to join an exclusive club of coffee lovers.

18. YogaGlo

We all want to take up healthy hobbies and activities like yoga, but many of us need some extra encouragement. Yogaglo’s CTA gives their visitors that subtle nudge that they need to make up their minds. The ‘Start Your Free Trial Today,’ corresponding just perfectly with the rest of the homepage design, tells visitors that today is the day they start to do good for themselves.

19. Best Friends

This animals’ rights organization makes an offer that their site visitors simply cannot refuse. Prompted by the question: ‘Do you believe every animal deserves a safe and loving home?’ Visitors have but one choice and that is to click ‘I agree.’ It’s a spectacular way to greet people and get them excited about the organization’s message and its work. Clicking the button does not commit visitors to any specific action, but it certainly frames their visit as a mission to help animals.

20. Convoy

Keeping CTAs simple and direct is always a smart move. Convoy follows that rule of thumb successfully in highlighting their two main services with two prominent CTA buttons: One offers to ‘Ship Freight with Convoy,’ the other to ‘Haul with Convoy.’ At the background of these buttons, visitors see a scenic highway where the traffic flows smoothly, fine-tuning the company’s branding as a reliable, quick and efficient trucking company.

21. Madame Lafleur

In addition to browsing and shopping on their online store, Madame Lafleur’s website offers customers the pampering experience of getting a Bento Box of clothes curated specifically to match their style. This is a unique (and more profitable) service that deserves a standalone CTA. Placing their ‘Start a Bento Now’ button layered on a video demonstration of their fashion is just the right type of incentive that their shoppers will be motivated to follow.

22. Zoom

Zoom’s CTA magic begins with the powerful copywriting featured on their homepage: ‘Flawless video. Clear audio. Instant sharing.’ This succinct and precise description of their product’s value does excellent prep work, and all that remains is for the CTA to make the final appeal: ‘Sign Up, It’s Free.’ The combined effect of this messaging is professional, innovative and friendly.

23. Ikea

The idea behind IKEA’s ‘Get Inspired’ CTA is that shopping there is an experience that doesn’t end when you check out. IKEA wants to inspire its clients not just to visualize their personal spaces, but also to take an active step in shaping them. This is an empowering CTA that invites clients to explore, experiment and create. This CTA tells clients that each of them is a potential designer. All they need is just a touch of inspiration, which is just one click away.

24. Oxfam

This is an excellent example of how nonprofits use CTAs to spark empathy with their prospective donors and motivate them to take action. Oxfam’s approach has always been to emphasize personal stories of people in plight and work through them to elicit a personal request for aid. Combining the personal fate of Edwin, a displaced person, with the button that reads ‘You Can Help’ immediately places the reader as part of Edwin’s story.

25. Aaptiv

The Aaptiv website homepage has two CTA buttons on it: One is a neon-green sash that reads ‘Try Aaptiv for Free’ and the other is a classic button in blue that reads ‘Start your free trial.’ Both of these buttons will take visitors to the same page. This is a common and effective CTA technique that casts a wider net to gain more clicks. Different visitors may be attracted to one or the other for different reasons. What’s important here is that Aaptiv did not simply replicate the button. They slightly altered both text and design so that these buttons remain unique but related.

26. The Knot

The Knot once was a wedding content blog and has grown into an advanced platform that provides different services around weddings. This means they are now addressing more than one audience group, as we can see on their website’s registry page. With one button addressing happy couples and the other addressing their happy guests, The Knot simplifies the process for both interested parties.

27. Cloudflare

Even though we all need web security, most people have a hard time grasping how it actually works. Cloudflare understands that, and that’s why one of their prominent homepage CTAs is an invitation to learn. The little ‘Play’ icon right next to the ‘Learn how Cloudflare works’ link clarifies right away that clicking leads to a video, not to an obscure text that most visitors will probably not feel like reading (the video itself is actually really cute). Combined with the simple, eye-to-eye text, the icon does an excellent job at getting visitors curious.

28. SoundCloud

Everything about this page is awesome. In terms of the design, the stunning visual, the precise typography and the real-life color palette all set the atmosphere just right. Under these conditions, even a less successful CTA than the ‘Get Pro’ button would probably have great performance. But the button really does add even more flair. This CTA turns the attention back to the user, implying that using the SoundCloud Creators tools puts you in a new league of music professionals.

29. International Rescue Committee

When simplicity and creativity meet, you can almost never go wrong. The International Rescue Committee’s website makes very simple use of the word ‘Donate’, at times adding a little icon to accompany it. There’s a powerful message in using just one word, especially with the bold color combo of black on yellow. It really makes ‘Donate’ appear like a moral duty. With the use of the icons, the IRC softens up the tone a little bit, using a credit card icon in one instance (in the first fold) and a heart in another (right at the bottom of the page). The result is a personal appeal for urgency and sympathy.

How to write great CTAs

Now that you’ve seen these successful examples, here are some best practices to keep in mind when creating your own CTAs:

  1. Define your goals
  2. Know what your audience wants
  3. Keep it short and clear
  4. Use action-oriented language
  5. Lead with incentives
  6. Track and analyze your success
  7. Test and make improvements

For a more in-depth look, have a look at this detailed guide on how to write killer call-to-actions that actually convert.

Feeling inspired by all these clever CTAs? Create your own website today with Wix!

Originally published at




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