A 4-Stage Guide to Identify Insecure Output Handling Exploits in LLMs

Zeev Kalyuzhner
Wix Engineering
Published in
4 min read6 days ago

Welcome to the fourth article in our series dedicated to uncovering the vulnerabilities inherent in Large Language Models (LLMs). In our previous articles, we explored the risks associated with exploiting vulnerabilities in LLM APIs, and the risks associated with exploiting LLM APIs with excessive agency, shedding light on the tactics utilized by attackers to breach digital defenses. Also, we explored the insidious realm of exploiting indirect prompt injection in LLMs, shedding light on the deceptive tactics employed by attackers to manipulate these models. Building upon this foundation, we now focus on yet another critical vulnerability: exploiting insecure output handling in LLMs.

A growing number of companies are adding LLMs to their digital systems, which makes the risks of not handling output securely stand out.
In this article, we’ll go into more detail about this vulnerability and look at how malicious actors can use it to break into systems and grab private data.
By learning about the different ways that LLMs handle output without being safe, organizations can improve their defenses and lower the risks that these sneaky attacks pose.

Join us as we navigate the complex landscape of LLM security, unraveling the dangers of insecure output handling and empowering readers with the knowledge needed to safeguard against emerging threats.

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Exploiting Insecure Output Handling in LLMs

The integrity of output handling is a key part of making digital security stronger against abuse in the world of LLMs. Unfortunately, when this output handling fails, security holes appear, letting malicious individuals use lies as a tool. This weakness is shown by training data poisoning and the subsequent loss of LLM integrity, which opens the door to doubt and trickery.

Unraveling Training Data Poisoning

By putting at risk the datasets that these models are trained on, training data poisoning, a type of indirect prompt injection, weakens the foundations of LLMs. This insidious manipulation enables attackers to coerce LLMs into disseminating intentionally erroneous or misleading information, thereby subverting the trustworthiness of model outputs.

Mapping the Attack Surface

To take advantage of LLMs’ insecure output handling, attackers have to find their way through the model’s complex behavior, looking for holes and possible ways to alter knowledge. There is a way to sneak in harmful payloads by writing questions that get LLMs to share information about their training data and weak filtering and sanitization methods used.

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Practical Application: A Scenario

Embark on a journey into the realm of exploitation, armed with the knowledge of insecure output handling vulnerabilities within LLMs:

1. Create a User Account: Establish a foothold within the system by registering a user account, and ensuring access to pertinent functionalities.

2. Probe for XSS: Navigate to the chat interface, probing for XSS vulnerabilities by injecting payloads and observing system responses. Note the system’s susceptibility to XSS attacks, signaling potential avenues for exploitation.

3. Test the Attack: Manipulate the LLM’s behavior by injecting malicious payloads disguised within innocuous prompts. Observe the system’s response, gauging the effectiveness of the injected payloads and identifying any mitigative measures employed by the LLM.

4. Exploit the Vulnerability: Execute the attack by leveraging the compromised LLM outputs to achieve the desired outcome. Craft reviews or prompts containing embedded XSS payloads, exploiting lax filtering and sanitization techniques to manipulate system behavior and compromise user accounts.

Taking advantage of LLMs’ insecure output handling is a powerful way to hack into systems and plan malicious actions without being caught. As organizations navigate the evolving threat landscape, fortifying defenses against training data poisoning and indirect prompt injection are imperative in safeguarding against exploitation and preserving the sanctity of digital ecosystems.

Acknowledging the Educational Nature of Attack Examples

It is imperative to recognize that all attack examples presented herein are solely for educational purposes. While these scenarios provide valuable insights into potential vulnerabilities and attack vectors, they are not intended for malicious exploitation. Organizations and individuals should make responsible use of the knowledge gained from such examples, adhering to ethical guidelines and principles.


In this article, we explored the topic of exploiting insecure output handling in LLMs and identified the flaws that potentially allow malicious actors to compromise system integrity. By understanding the intricacies of this vulnerability, organizations can better fortify their defenses and mitigate the risks posed by such attacks.

As we conclude this exploration of LLM vulnerabilities, we’ve highlighted the importance of vigilance and proactive defense mechanisms in safeguarding digital ecosystems.

Join us in our final installment, where we’ll tackle the critical task of defending against LLM attacks, securing integration, and mitigating risks. Stay tuned for insights into strategies and best practices for enhancing LLM security resilience in the face of evolving cyber threats.



Zeev Kalyuzhner
Wix Engineering

Ph.D. candidate bridging AI, nanophotonics & cybersecurity. Lecturer @OpenU, Data Scientist @Wix.com. Passionate about practical learning & AI-driven security.