How We Built and Migrated to a New Scalable CI

Wix Engineering
Wix Engineering
Published in
1 min readApr 17, 2022

Developer velocity can’t be underestimated — we already know that — and CI/CD pipeline must provide a fast feedback loop. But what happens when your company just keeps on growing and your existing build server is starting to cave in under pressure?

In this full talk, we’ll discuss how we built a scalable, highly concurrent CI solution and how we seamlessly migrated all of Wix’s backend builds to it.

Learn about the technical design challenges we faced and how we managed to reduce the time builds spent in queue from ~40–60 minutes (when under heavy load) to only seconds. And much more with Shay Sofer and Etamar Weinberg:

You can also read Shay and Etamar’s posts here:



Wix Engineering
Wix Engineering

Wix Engineering. We develop innovative cloud-based web applications that influence our 150M+ users worldwide